Explore the Judgement major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Since Judgement is about self-awareness and reflection, use this spread as a post-mortem of a particularly intense situation or time period.
Summary of Judgement Tarot Card Meaning
For so long, the Fool has walked their path searching for meaning, and working towards a purpose. Sometimes those goals were illusions, or lead to mistakes and failures, but other times they brought the Fool great treasures, rewards and lessons. Looking back on all that has happened since the start of their journey, the Fool knows that they are not who they were when they started that journey. But the question is, when looking through the sum totality of their actions and intentions, will they be satisfied with the person that they have become?
Light: Awakening, reckoning, reflection, accountability, karma
Shadow: Ignorance, lack of self awareness, self-loathing
To learn more, read the full Judgement tarot card meaning.
When to Use This Tarot Spread
- As a post-mortem of a particularly intense situation or time period.
- When you’re reflecting on your past actions and decide that you need a change, but are unable to articulate it.
Judgement Tarot Card Spread

- Past Mistakes - What parts of your life so far haven’t been as successful as you had hoped? What life events would you do differently?
- Past Successes - What accomplishments are you proud of? What is something about your past life you wouldn’t change?
- Judgement - What lessons did you learn from both your successes and failures? What is your general feeling about your life so far?
- The Call - What message are you beginning to awaken to? What can you no longer ignore? What are you being asked to do?
- Rebirth - What part of you will be transformed and reborn through following this calling?
- Result - If you heed that call, what changes does that create, for both you and for the world around you? What are the effects of your awakening?