Tarot Meanings - Thứ 2, 16-Th5-22 06:55

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is a daydreamer, someone with his mind in another place, who finds it hard to concentrate on tasks. He has incredible creative ability and likes to tell stories. However, this can cause trouble as he may let his creative energies take over, although his tact prevents him from talking himself into disaster. He believes there are mythical people and beasts under the bed, and as a result, may not always be taken seriously.
The Page of Cups, if it refers to you in your spread, suggests an introspective nature, a daydreamer, inclined towards art and possessing sensitivity and a kind heart. You may let credit you deserve pass you by out of shyness. The card may also be indicative of a messenger: someone, likely overlooked, in your own life who is in a position to aid you in pursuit of a specific goal. Although somewhat dependent on its position in your spread, the Page is generally the bearer of good news. It can also represent synchronicity (meaningful coincidences), so be on the lookout.

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