Tarot Meanings - Thứ 2, 16-Th5-22 06:55

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is caring and very much focused on her family. Often a healer, guide or psychic, she knows what’s wrong even before you open your mouth. Somehow, she always has the right answer for any problems connected with family and love. She is often so modest that you may not even notice her. There is an air of mystery around her, and she can be very secretive. She can be an imaginative storyteller and is likely to have deeply held spiritual beliefs.
Sensitivity, compassion and an affectionate nature are traditionally associated with the Queen of Cups, as is emotional security. She represents emotional openness and is a balance to the King. Despite her open nature, you will still find her influence to be largely passive. Particularly for men, her presence is a reminder to stay in touch with the intuitive and emotional aspects of their character. You should take her presence a gentle hand seeking to show you the power of your own inner aspects, whose power may be obscured by their quiet nature.

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