Tarot Meanings - Thứ 2, 16-Th5-22 06:55

The Chariot

An armored soldier sits enthroned in a chariot pulled by a black and a white sphinx with a canopy of stars above him. He moves ahead, riding over any obstacles in his wake. Although the Fool has begun to make progress he is still challenged by adversaries. The Chariot shows he must protect himself and focus on his objective.
You have some hard work ahead of you. It may be resolved quickly, but the Chariot is a powerful card, and the labor you are undertaking will probably trend towards long and difficult. You will quite possibly experience rough roads, long uphill slopes, dead ends, and painful setbacks. Your victory is only assured if you do not let yourself lose hope: this hard road will instill in you a strength of purpose and requires determination, the ability to overcome adversaries through organization, will power and endurance, and the confidence possessed only by those who have done what they thought they could not. Harnessed correctly, few forces can stand against an individual like that.

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