Horoscopes - Thứ 4, 20-Th3-24 04:20

Tarot Card Predictions March 20, 2024: Tarot Card Reading for All Zodiac Signs

Tarot Card Reading for Today: March 20, 2024. Know what’s in store for your card. Our Tarot card reader Disha Bhatnagar reads the cards for you.

Aries (The Lovers): If you are feeling somewhat indifferent in your love relationship and not seeing the same passion between you both as before, soon freshness will start coming into your relationship. You will see more depth in your relationship than before. If you want to bring a new relationship into your life, soon you will experience a new feeling with the arrival of a new person. It may also happen that you are looking for a partner for your business, or you may receive a partnership proposal from somewhere. If there is some friction with a close person, they will soon be gone. A situation of confrontation may arise before you that can test your values. You will have to choose based on your priorities. If you are looking for a good job, that too will be fulfilled. Time is favorable for you.

Taurus (Ace of Pentacles): Your financial situation is showing signs of improvement. You now have hope of getting back the money you were stuck with. The person in front of you has promised to return your money soon. You are seeing some new opportunities in your work field, through which you can improve your financial situation. You and your friends have planned to start a new business together. For this, you are arranging finances. You have also made efforts for a loan. Soon you will get the loan. A good marriage proposal is coming for you. The upcoming proposal is from a well-to-do family. You are also going to have financial benefits from your family. A dispute over some property is now appearing to be in your favor. You will be quite excited to win this victory. In the coming time, you will see quite a significant change in your financial situation.

Gemini (The Chariot): You have recently overcome a problem that had created a lot of tension in your family. Now, all situations are gradually becoming normal. You are considering moving away from your current place to settle somewhere else. Your faith in God is unwavering. Soon you will receive a good job offer. This job will be away from your current location. Your financial situation is also improving. You are honest and hardworking in your field of work. Because of this, you have been praised by your superiors. Some colleagues have started to envy you because of your praise. This bothers you. You have recently succeeded in a project and have been promoted, leading to an increase in your salary. Everyone in your family is pleased with this. Your loved ones are trying to express their feelings to you. They hold you in high regard and thank God that you have come into their lives as a source of love.

Cancer (Death): You are now seeing relief from ongoing difficult situations from the past. You are distancing yourself from people and circumstances that are not good for you. There are some relationships in your life that have brought you nothing but sorrow and disappointment. You have always valued those relationships, hoping that everything would eventually be okay. But now you have no hope left in them. You have now considered moving away from all these relationships. Some changes are coming soon in your life. These changes will prove to be pleasant and beneficial for you. Your patience and restraint will now be rewarded by God. A new love-filled relationship could also begin in your life. This relationship will be advantageous for you. New opportunities are also emerging in your work field. These opportunities will lead you on the path of progress, and you will achieve success in your work sphere.

Leo (Five of Cups): Your beloved is not treating you well. Ever since you confessed your love to them, they have stopped communicating with you. You are unable to understand their mindset. You have also discussed your relationship with your relatives, and you are confident that they will support you. But this unexpected behavior from your beloved is beyond your comprehension. You are feeling quite defeated. Your colleagues have received good promotions and salary increases in your work field. However, you have faced discrimination. Despite the promotion, you have been transferred to a different department, which is troubling you. Both the department and the work field are new for you. You are worried about how you will establish harmony with everyone. You remain quite reserved. Even making friends is not easy for you. Just as you had made yourself comfortable here, the thought of how things will be in a new place fills you with disappointment.

Virgo (King of Wands): You are not feeling satisfied in your work field. You desire a change in your job, but currently, you are not finding any such opportunity. You will soon come into contact with someone who will help you obtain your desired job. You should take care of your health. In the pursuit of excessive success, you are continuously working without rest, which will not only affect your health but may also lead to dissatisfaction among your loved ones due to lack of time spent with them. You should spend some time with your loved ones. You are about to make some tough decisions for the welfare of a family member. You will have to gather confidence within yourself and show determination in your decisions. The person in front of you may not understand their own interest hidden in your decision, but you should make that decision considering their welfare. Some changes are coming soon in your life. These changes are bringing better and beneficial opportunities for you. Seek advice from a senior family member and choose the best opportunity from them to move forward. You will achieve good success in life.

Libra (The Moon): Disappointment and sadness have taken their toll on your mind. The arrival of a person in your work area has begun to pollute the environment significantly. Everyone is starting to cause trouble for each other in their work. Working in this place is becoming increasingly difficult for you. You are unable to break free from the conflicts going on in your mind. Time is quite challenging for you. A third person has come between you and your loved one, creating doubts. You trust the words of the other person more than your loved one. There are quite a few disagreements between you both. You have considered distancing yourself from your loved one for some time. This will not only make your loved one realize their mistake but also give you a chance to think about something better away from this stressful environment. You love your loved one very much. Your distance will make them think seriously about the seriousness of your relationship. They will try to bring a positive change to your relationship. You believe this will happen.

Scorpio (Five of Wands): The family dispute among your close relatives has now reached the court. Neither party is willing to engage in dialogue to resolve the conflict. You have been greatly affected by this situation. You wanted to keep the matter contained, but no one made an effort to understand the situation sensibly. The increasing tension with your life partner has taken a significant toll on both of you. You have decided to separate. Both of your families are disappointed with your decision. However, you both are firm in your positions. Although you prefer not to involve yourself in any conflict situation, you are inherently peace-loving. But if the other party tries to take advantage of your tolerance and perceives it as your weakness, you won't tolerate it. You never side with the wrong, but you also don't allow yourself to be wronged.

Sagittarius (Ace of Cups): When nothing seems to make sense in life, the blessing of the divine feels like nectar to you. A significant opportunity is coming your way in your career field. Working in your field is becoming challenging for you. Suddenly, the possibility of promotion along with a change in location is also looming ahead. You and your family are happy with this success. Whatever differences were arising with your loved one, you will resolve them through communication. Now, you are making efforts to make your relationship as sweet as it was before. The worry of succeeding in a competitive exam is bothering you these days. But success is surely going to come to you. Believe it. A good relationship is on the horizon. All your family members have approved of this relationship. The partner you had imagined for yourself is exactly like the one who has come into your life. You are quite happy.

Capricorn (Seven of Swords): If for any reason you have a case in court, you need to be cautious. Think carefully before lending money to anyone. If the amount is substantial, avoid transactions without any written agreement. Your associates may suggest resolving obstacles in your work in the wrong way. You should strive to overcome obstacles in your work with your intelligence and wisdom. Unethical actions may bring success today, but they could cause trouble for you in the future. Be cautious if any of your associates are attempting to manipulate your authorities against you in your field of work. Be careful and avoid sharing your future plans with others. Someone might create obstacles in fulfilling your plans.

Aquarius (Nine of Wands): You are feeling discouraged in a certain situation. You have made all the necessary efforts to complete a task, but you don't see any progress in it. It's important for you to try to control the disappointment that has arisen in your mind and then carefully evaluate why the task has not been completed despite all your efforts. You will surely understand the right path. You want to accomplish a certain task. You have thoroughly assessed all the situations related to that task. All your relatives have advised you against doing this task, but you are determined to do it. Everyone is against you, and you are not getting any help from anyone. Still, you are firm and determined to complete this task. Challenges will surely come, but despite that, you will successfully accomplish this task. Your relatives, who have been opposing you until now, will also congratulate you on your success.

Pisces (Two of Wands): Feeling torn between choices isn't helping you in making the right decision. You've been working on a task for quite some time now, and with time, you've gained expertise in it. Now, a proposal for a new task has come your way that aligns with your interests. This task is entirely different from the one you've been working on so far, and it will require significant effort from you. However, you believe that you can handle both tasks simultaneously, seeking advice from an elder if needed. You're capable enough to complete both tasks successfully. With this belief, you've decided to start the new task while knowing that you might face some initial challenges. But ultimately, everything will fall into place. You'll need to balance between all your areas to allocate more time to establish this new task properly.

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Published On:
Mar 20, 2024

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