Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 09:35

The Moon Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for Navigating Confusion

Explore the Moon major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Since the Moon is about illusions, mystery and instinct, use this spread when you feel you have to take action without having much context.

Summary of the Moon Tarot Card Meaning

Following the light of their guiding Star, the Fool continues forward. But before them there is no path, no signals, no markers, only endless night. Where the Fool needs to go is where nobody has ever gone before, and they have only instinct as their guide. In this dark thicket, the Fool senses movement, but is unable to make out the shadowy figures. As the Fool approaches a clearing, they see a lake. Two moons shine, one above the lake and one within it. In their current state of bewilderment, the Fool is unable to distinguish between the reflection and the sky.

Light: Instinct, fantasy, mystery, unknown
Shadow: Illusion, confusion, delusion

To learn more, read the full Moon tarot card meaning.

When to Use This Tarot Spread

  • When you feel you have to take action without having much context.
  • When you are looking to evaluate your assumptions before making a choice or taking action.

The Moon Tarot Card Spread

  1. Darkness - What is unseen. What knowledge are you missing? What is hidden and currently unknown to you?
  2. Moon - Your intuitive assessment of the situation. What is your gut reaction?
  3. Reflection - The illusion. What are your biases, prejudices or assumptions? How are they being reflected in your daily life?
  4. Dog - A friendly companion. What can aid you in finding clarity?
  5. Wolf - Danger. What instincts lead you astray? What do you need to avoid, or watch out for?
  6. Path - What is my next step? Where do I go from here?

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