Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 20-Th8-23 09:45

Weekly horoscope from August 20 to August 26: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week August 20 to August 26? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’re on a roll and nothing and no one can stop you. There’s a force within you that’s determined to get things done, achieve goals and meet targets. Don’t mistake assertiveness for aggression, as a lot can be accomplished in this period with a calm head and a steady focus. A sudden change in mindset could lead to conflicts and disagreements, so do mind the energy and do think about the other person’s feelings. A business idea could be shelved or postponed. Singles may make a new friend, or decide to join a group or forum of like-minded souls.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Welcome to a new chapter in your life. Where it’s up to you to make things happen. Apply the wisdom of your teachers and guides. Avoid the company of souls with no ambition and no regard to their betterment. Make the necessary changes in your daily routine and your work life. Results come with self-discipline and persistence, and this is not a time to quit. A week that favours collaborations especially if you’re self-employed, the best ideas will come from brainstorming and teamwork. Financially, a good week to start clearing up a misunderstanding or mess. Family matters require delicate handling especially with a sensitive soul. Health matters may require a second opinion.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Your instincts are sharper than before. Not a time to be impulsive especially about an important decision. Make no moves until you’re absolutely sure. Travel plans may get finalised, and if you were waiting to hear from overseas, expect temporary delays. Media, publishing, public appearances and events are highlighted and with your gift for communication, you could leave quite an impression with your skills. The women in your life may challenge and test you to see things you may be denying. Walk in their shoes for a minute and release the need to always be right. Meditation and spending more time outdoors will clear up the mind.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Someone may try to dominate you. Or force you to change your mind. Stick to your guns. Hold on to your opinions. Stay true to yourself. Do not be persuaded to think otherwise and do not allow anyone to take you away from your principles. You know you’re right and you know the truth does come out eventually. A sticky matter may require tact and diplomacy. And a relationship may require a little distance until you sort things out for yourself. Money matters may need a little organising and reprioritising and then, it’s all smooth running for now. Friends from overseas could reach out for a favour or their travel dates.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

As energies start to shift, you may find yourself gradually moving away from a suffocating and draining situation to one of peace. Make time for yourself. To reconnect and recalibrate. Avoid unnecessary interaction, decline a few invites and step away from the crowd to do your own thing. And if you’ve always wanted to learn something new, this week opens up doors of learning. Married couples may go through a phase of bickering or disagreements, and one of you may need to learn to just back away for now. Any diet or exercise routine now will have long-lasting results.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Be prepared for a phase of expenses. Bills may pile up and you may find it a bit tiring to deal with demands and expenses. Organise your time better and know that you have it in you to get the job done. Focus on your long-term objectives. Advisors are highlighted in the days ahead and you may consult a professional for a pressing matter or decision in health, legal or financial matters. A family event or occasion may be too overwhelming or tiring, so make sure you get enough rest afterwards.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Good karma. The more good you do for other, the more good will return to you. Even if it doesn’t seem visible at the moment, you will reap the rewards of your generosity and kindness. A wonderful week for sharing feelings with a special someone. The cards favour expression, love and family harmony. Just make sure your papers are in order and your electronic devices are working as a few glitches may send you into a tizzy later this week. Forewarned is forearmed.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

You may feel like you’ve reached a standstill and you will wonder why things aren’t moving. Something may be missing in your life and though it would be obvious to everyone around you, you may not notice it. This pause may have come into your life as a way of asking you to take stock and re-evaluate everything. Both professionally and personally you may ask yourself some deep questions about where you are headed and what you want to change. Remember, no progress doesn’t mean things are bad, it just means you need to change your path a little. Your patience will be tested so control the urge to lash out. Financial security is indicated but you may need to shuffle your portfolio of investments, or consider asking for a raise.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

The worst is over for the time being the days ahead usher in a sigh of relief. Things begin to work smoothly, both personally and professionally. You might get a lucky break. Or walk away with an unexpected prize. Even your usual quiet mood may be uplifted a little as your social life increases and you find yourself accepting all kinds of invitations and meeting with a new circle altogether. Open your mind to new experiences and do something on your bucket list this year. A turning point may take place in your personal life. A part of you no longer wants the predictable and you may work towards changing some aspect of your life. You may no longer settle for superficiality and choose meaningful relationships.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Something you have been neglecting or taking for granted could spiral into a stress point. Is it your health? Is it your family? Reflect on areas of your life that you have been ignoring and make the necessary changes. Professionally a phase begins for thinking ahead and putting future plans into action. You are leaving a legacy behind and everything you say or do, will be remembered. A great phase begins for job seekers or students who want to go overseas. International connections are highlighted – be it at the workplace or at your home. Financial gains are indicated but you may spend more than receive. Strive for balance.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

It’s all about managing your moods, recognising them and most importantly understanding that they are only temporary. In an anxious moment, don’t believe your thoughts. And don’t run away with your fears. Your sensitivity may be heightened and it would be wise to stay grounded and centred and not believe your fears. Expect delays in the educational and professional front. Yes, rewards are owed to you, but you may have to wait a bit. Relationships with men come to the forefront, could be your father, your brother or your coworker. Control the impulse to overindulge in the good things and if you were planning to give up a bad habit you will find the willpower to do it.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Persistence pays, and don’t you know it. Not the year to give up on your dreams, but to roll up your sleeves and dig deeper, the cards urge you to stay focussed on your path. Be meticulous, be dependable and remember, people are watching your every move. A lucky phase begins for achieving targets and for job seekers, the rest of the year promises returns, but only after a lot of hard work. Friends and family may seek you out to solve their problems. And if single, you may attract someone who is a little too needy for your liking. Maintain clear boundaries in your relationships, and do take out time to recharge your own batteries.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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Published On:
Aug 20, 2023

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