Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 10-Th12-23 03:19

Weekly horoscope from December 10 to December 16: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week December 10 to December 16? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Time for a detox. Purge out whatever isn’t good for you. Or is clogging up your cupboards. You may redo your resume if you’re looking for a job. Or rework the presentation you’ve been working on. A part of you is changing, and subsequently the reactions to the world around you are changing as well. Health wise, you may give up a bad habit for good. Or take steps to improve your diet. You may feel like socialising again, or start connecting with a new set of people, some of whom may be around for a long, long time. Travel plans may be delayed a little, but all for a good cause. Watch out for overspending on things you don’t really need.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

A part of you is so tired of dealing with your everyday challenges you may feel like giving up or running away. Why are you doing so much for the ungrateful souls around you anyway? Time to set boundaries. And make self care a priority. At work, someone’s departure may cause confusion or increase everyone’s share of work. This too shall pass. On the personal front, you may discover a deep truth about yourself and may seek to make some necessary changes. Health matters show gradual recovery. A loved one may need a favour, monetary assistance or some much needed emotional support. Again, give but not to the point it hurts. Financially, an old investment starts paying off. Or you discover some money hidden away in your wardrobe.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Nothing as precious as inner peace. And you will do what you can to bring back the harmony in your home or in your relationships. You may even rediscover an old hobby or passion that once brought you a lot of joy. Jobseekers will excel when they display genuine enthusiasm in their interviews. Things seem stable at the work front, but there’s a lot of planning and preparation to do in the following weeks. You may hear of an ex flame. Or reconnect with an old soulmate and discover the easy chemistry still hasn’t faded, even after these years. Efforts may be made to find another source of income, or you may ask your boss for a raise. Alternative healing show positive results.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

With your level of commitment and dedication, success is bound to be yours. Years of hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Obstacles that stood in your path earlier are now history. So move forward with confidence and the knowledge that you have done your best. And will continue to do so. Earnings increase. And if in business, you may find ways to expand your enterprise. Students have the chance to demonstrate excellence in the days ahead. Use this phase of progress to your advantage. Relationships however, may need a little more attention and care. Just like you expect others to be sensitive to your needs, its time for you to pay attention to how they are feeling. In matters of health ut a new line of treatment or new diet intrigues you.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

You could find yourself at the crossroads. Making a life changing decision. Or choosing to sacrifice something for another. Use logic. Be practical. And realise that whatever happens, is for your own highest good right now. Business partnerships have the potential to prosper, provided you give each other space and respect. A new direction may open up in your career. And if you’re a student, you may change your choice of subjects after careful analysis and evaluation. A marriage may be announced. Or you could be busy meeting new people, in the hope of finding the right one. Take a little time to reflect and meditate. Answers will come from deep within your heart.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Perhaps you’re being too sensitive. Or haven’t been sleeping as well as you’d like. Or finding yourself down with frequent coughs and colds. The Universe may be telling you to slow down and take care of your needs. Boost your immunity. And just spend some more time relaxing, instead of worrying about too many things that are beyond your control. Expect some happy news at the work place or in the social front. There may be an invite to a special occasion or some travel up ahead which is just what your soul needs right now. Young people especially children may need special care and attention. In money matters, control your impulse. Don’t just jump in to investments or purchases. Make sure you’ve done your research before parting with your cash.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Look through all the facts before you decide. Not a time to be judgemental at all as energies around are rapidly shifting, and what you felt yesterday may contradict what you feel tomorrow. A time of accepting people as they are – good and bad rather than hoping or expecting them to be like you. Focus may be a bit of an issue at the work place and for students, so make sure to minimise all distractions and just get what needs to be done, done on time. A senior person may offer some constructive criticism which may sting at first, but when you realise their intentions are good, you’ll understand what they meant. You may be required to assist someone financially, again, time to judge the facts and set limits to how much you can and cannot give. Health matters look good.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

You may need to accept something before you can bring in changes. Just expecting things to go a certain way doesn’t mean it will happen. A little thought before you instruct your team should bring in desired results. Someone may act immaturely or refuse to see an issue with their actions. Or you may find yourself dealing with delay after delay in work matters. Just keep going. Job seekers will need to be patient in the following weeks. And if you were planning to go solo, there are more things to be done before you can find yourself free again. A wonderful social event brings you back into your element again, lively, magnetic and oh so charming. Watch out for sudden allergies.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Deep in your heart you already know what’s true, and what needs to be done. Take more accountability for your own actions and see what you may have said or done to cause a misunderstanding or a rife. Success is assured for Saggitarians in creative fields. Patience is the key at work. Either other people will annoy you with their lack of professionalism. Or a client will take his or her own sweet time to revert. Relationships run smoothly as you find yourself taking time to see where the other person is coming from. But don’t ignore the red flags, they are there for a reason. Money that was owed to you will be returned. Health matters are steady.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

You may be feeling trapped by circumstances or demands. Or feeling suffocated by a possessive, controlling partner. Whatever it is, doesn’t have to remain that way. All you may need is another perspective. The guidance of a mentor. Or just some alone time to realise that things are never as bad as they appear. There may be a hidden blessing in there somewhere. Or you realise that things happened a certain way for a reason. A part of you may be itching for change. A new home. A new job. A new relationship. Explore your desire and make things happen. Money anxieties are more imagined than real. A chat with a finance expert should put things back into perspective.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Time to bring things back into balance. You may have been working so hard that you’ve neglected your health. Or given so much attention to your relationships that work and study has begun to suffer. Step back. Think things through and make the necessary changes. A once a lifetime opportunity may come along and you will be required now, more than ever to believe in your abilities and your gifts. Self employed Aquarians may need to be a little more assertive and even pushy when it comes to getting what you want. Students require more discipline and a little motivation. Family matters look good. And if married, your better half may have a surprise up their sleeves, or a plan in mind about your future.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You may have a number of options ahead of you. Or find yourself overwhelmed with multiple choices. Go by what feels right to your gut. Now is the time to streamline your routine, decide on your priorities and work towards them. No more listening to the voice of doubt. And please, no more procrastinating either. In matters of the heart, be a little cautious. The things you find cute about the other person right now, could turn highly annoying later. A dominating man in the family may want things his way, but if you patiently explain things, you can get your way. Health matters show a need to be vigilant. Don’t take too much for granted.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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Published On:
Dec 10, 2023

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