Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 03-Th12-23 09:01

Weekly horoscope from December 3 to December 9: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week from December 3 to December 9? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

It’s all about money, honey. And you keep yourself busy looking at your expenses and your investments. Figuring out ways to increase your income. And, negotiating a new project that could be lucrative in the long run. Any stress is self-created, and you have the power to let things go and just move with the flow. Positive developments are in store for jobseekers, and those who wish to return to the corporate world after a break. Just prepare yourself for a lot of multitasking, especially if there’s a lot going on in the home front as well. You may be decluttering, shifting home or simply reorganising all your stuff. Just make sure you keep things in balance. Watch out for sudden sprains and aches.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Decision time. Either you continue this way and complain. Or stand up for yourself and set a few boundaries with people. Or say enough is enough. Relationships may feel a little tiring as you discover you are constantly giving and not receiving enough. Don’t succumb to pressure if you are not ready to commit. A discussion could turn into an argument if you are not careful with your words. If you are waiting for a client to revert, or an announcement from the management, you will need to be very patient. Pushing a matter now at the workplace will work to your detriment. Take things one step at a time and expect answers only after a few weeks. Health matters look good. Something you’ve done for your mind and body is working. Just go with it.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Retreat and reflect. Do nothing immediately or impulsively. Step back, re-evaluate and contemplate your next step. Quiet time at work and at home is necessary. Trust your instincts about someone or something. It’s never wrong. You may consider upskilling yourself in this phase. Or decide to return to pursuing higher studies. A mentor or guide may appear to help you along your path. Money matters show a bit of a delay before the payment arrives. And if you’re spiritual, time to bring a little more discipline into your daily routine. On the romantic front, you may hear something about your partner’s past.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

The good old days have their charm, don’t they? And you could find yourself reminiscing about the past. Or even enjoying a wonderful reunion with faces from the past. Even in work, a pattern repeats itself and the Universe expects you to solve an old puzzle from a long time ago. A creative project brings a lot of excitement and laughter. Nothing like healthy teamwork. Students of history and research could have a productive phase. And if you’ve been preparing for a competitive examination, this is a great phase for focus and results. Children may become prominent for Cancerians, either by way of a pregnancy or some fun time spent in the company of young ones. Enjoy this phase to the fullest. There’s a lot of happiness to share.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

You cannot undo what’s happened. And it’s pointless to go on about a mistake. Time to salvage the situation, pick up the pieces and keep moving. You’re growing a lot in this phase, and the only way we do it is by learning from the tough moments. Don’t bottle up your feelings, ask for help or talk with someone you trust for a sense of relief and direction. On the professional front, you may be ready to take a few risks. Or be completely open-minded to a new idea or strategy that someone proposes. Adventurous Leos may even switch careers in this phase, or choose to take a long leave of absence to pursue a hobby or study further. Whatever is in your heart, share it, release it and be free.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

With your keen eye, you’re able to look beyond the hype and see things as they really are. Some people promise more than they deliver. Or you get turned off by the unprofessionalism displayed by a colleague or a client. Time to be a little more tolerant and not allow other people to bring you down with their mindset. Temporary delays at the work front may bring down morale, or you could find it a chore to keep the team motivated. Family matters run smoothly as a reunion or event brings up happy memories from the past. Expenses may be high in this phase, but it’s all for a good cause.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Re-evaluate your worth. Are you underpaid? Or are you doing too much for free? Are you spending within your budget? Or are you splurging recklessly on things you may not need? This week’s cards ask you to weigh, balance, measure and assess. Learn from past failures, and rectify what needs to change within and around you. Look at your work-life balance and ask yourself if you’re spending enough time with family. And if you bring in the necessary changes, the new year shows a deeper sense of fulfilment and purpose. In your personal life, it’s time to surround yourself with people, experiences and activities that uplift and inspire you. Health matters show minor issues with digestion or food allergies and steady healing.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

Are you holding on to something that you know deep down isn’t what you truly want? Listen to your heart about your next course of action. Figure out your true talents and consider unconventional paths. Look at alternatives, explore and research the job market, or seek professional guidance about your health and even your relationships. A relationship may keep you guessing as they continue to give mixed signals or act distantly. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Meditation and spirituality bring deep peace and the answers you may be seeking.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Decisions, decisions. What do you pick? Who do you choose? You may need to opt for the tried and tested right now rather than taking a risk. Weigh the pros and cons before you venture out into the unknown. Your hard work isn’t going unnoticed. And even though there may be moments of boredom at the workplace, your perseverance will be rewarded. Watch out for overstraining yourself, or doing more than your body can handle. Social interactions may feel draining or you could ask for some quiet time from certain people. Money matters show steady progress, but you will need to be a little more patient. A good week to look at future plans and make sure things are in place. Don’t skip the details. Health matters show a slow and steady recovery. Travel may be on the cards.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

Ground yourself. Slow down and bring back your focus. Your energies may be scattered. Or you may be doing too many things at once. Leaving you tired and irritable with your coworkers and your loved ones. Frustration may build up because you want to take action, but something keeps blocking your way. Release anger non-violently. Even in matters of the heart, someone’s possessiveness or controlling behaviour may make you want to rebel and break free. Think before you send out an angry email or message. Now is not the time to react, but to find peace within yourself. Be careful about the health of a loved one. Finances look stable.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You’ve come a long way, haven’t you? Look back at all that you’ve achieved and discover how far you’ve grown. Your reputation has been built over years of hard work and honesty. You may choose to forgive and forget. Or decide to move away from friendships and connections that have never brought you any happiness or peace. Start-ups, consulting and freelancers find that works pick up. Businesses expand. And if employed, look forward to a promotion and recognition in the upcoming months. If there’s anything to worry about, it’s overindulgence. Control your spending and what you eat and everything should work out just fine.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

You may not feel very social in this phase. Or prefer to spend some quiet time alone. Invitations could be declined. Or you may choose to take your time before you reply to requests. Recharge your batteries if you must. And use this time to figure out what you want to do with your life in the long run. Be it career planning or your relationships. A wise person will offer guidance, but first you need to ask them. Matters related to real estate will be sorted. And if wondering about a legal situation, another opinion may give you the clarity you seek. Acts of charity and volunteering for a cause you believe in bring hidden blessings your way.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Published By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
Dec 3, 2023

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