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Weekly horoscope from February 4 to February 10: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week, February 4 to February 10? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

The more you release, the freer you feel. Let go of any resentment and grievance you may be harbouring all this time. Let go of old, outmoded self-beliefs that are not helping you grow. You are capable. You can succeed. At work, a project nears completion. Or talks may be underway about a new product or service which requires a fresh approach. At home, this is a good period to declutter and give away anything you no longer need. Old friends bring solace and cheer. Money matters show the possibility of long-term gains and stability. Healthwise, time to let go of any bad habits once and for all.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Expect the unexpected. If you haven’t prepared you could be in for a string of surprises. A plan may not go as anticipated. Or sudden news and developments could alter everything in a moment. Be ready with Plan B. Or think on your feet. News about a family member may send everyone off in a tizzy or a partner may say something totally unexpected. A bill takes you by surprise or money appears from an unexpected source. Plans may be finalised for construction, renovation and upgrades. Just make sure you stay within the budget. A loved one may need you to drop your plans and be with them. Health matters remain good as long as you stay mindful.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

People notice you, whether you realise it or not. Trust is earned by an influential person of power. You rise up the ranks with your dedication and commitment to getting the job done, regardless of ongoing challenges. With your high energy levels, expect to execute a lot of ideas and interact with a lot more new faces. A proposal may pique your interest. Be sure to check the facts first before you sign the dotted line. A promotion or an increment may be in store for you in the upcoming months. Casual friendships could turn serious as someone declares their feelings for you, or things start to get a little serious.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

You may be restless and not know why. Or feel a sense of boredom and predictability around your daily routines. When this starts to happen, you know it’s time to learn something new. How about taking up a hobby or enroling for a class? With your mind as sharp as it is, you have the potential to change something in your environment. And with the added skills, success in new industries is assured. Change may be in the air in your organisation as reshuffling brings a sense of excitement and uncertainty. Start-ups may upgrade, and creative Cancerians may experiment with a new medium and mode of expression. Don’t hold back. Try everything, especially if it’s new. You may splurge on the latest phone or a bigger car and then feel a twinge of guilt later. Health matters are under control.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Lessons are repeated until we learn. And you may find yourself learning another valuable life lesson again. This time, it's about relating to others. It may need to do with how you handle your co-workers, or your tone while speaking with family members. Be a little more sensitive while dealing with people, someone’s feelings could get hurt. Leos in the field of knowledge, education, training and analysis start seeing progress but will still need to modify the plan. At the home front, be patient with domestic repairs and renovation. The delays may frustrate you, but you have no choice but to be patient. News from faraway lifts spirits, or you may plan a reunion with loved ones. Healthwise, keep stress levels under control.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Peace prevails! Enjoy moments of pure harmony while this phase lasts. Projects in the pipeline show movement. You receive positive feedback for your hard work. And you come to a realisation that you could be doing what you truly love. Relationships run smoothly and friends bring warmth and joy into your life. You may find a soulmate, or meet with someone with whom there’s a deep connection. A good week to pamper yourself a little. Or throw a little party to celebrate friendship. Make the most of good energy. Money matters show an upward swing, and you could plan for a holiday or even think of moving to a new home.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Stop taking the same old route and stick to what you’ve always done. The cards urge you to open your mind, take a risk. Bigger, better opportunities are coming your way, but you need to be 100% ready. Change is always a good thing. A good period begins to enhance your skills or pursue a hobby with renewed passion. Networking could throw leads or opportunities your way. Reconnecting with people from your past reminds you of how far you’ve come and how much you have grown as a person. A good week to begin afresh, start a new fitness routine, or even start a diet.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

The present moment is all that you have in your control. Forget living in the future and focus on the now. The key to peace and success lies in how you manage what’s around you. The energies may make you feel agitated, so focus on meditation and conscious relaxation. A good phase for negotiations, legal paperwork, contracts and commitments and, regardless of what you believe, you are good at sorting things out and getting things done. Money matters show promise as old dues are returned, and the karmic balance is slowly restored. Healthwise, don’t overdo things, you may need to take short breaks in between.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Resurgence and revival. Something that was on hold re-emerges. An old friendship is rekindled. It's all about momentum in the weeks ahead, and you may find yourself multitasking again. Though a part of you will enjoy the sudden bursts of activity, your heart won't be in it. You may long to be somewhere else. Or with someone else. Money matters go smoothly. Self-employed Sagitarians can look forward to connecting with old clients. If there’s anything to watch out for, it's your wayward sleep routine. A little self-discipline goes a long way towards feeling better.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

Resist the temptation to quit. You've made it this far, so why give up now? You may feel like walking out of a dead end relationship or a job that's beginning to get to you with the constant politics, but don't. A time to reconfigure yourself literally, the cards urge you to focus on your strengths. Great courage will be required along with patience to get going. The rewards are worth it, but for the time being, this is a phase for rolling up your sleeves and just working. You're halfway to attaining your dreams. A younger soul may need you to be extra supportive and reassuring. Be gentle with sensitive souls. An older woman may offer some valuable advice. Just watch out for sudden sprains.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Be a little wary of who you trust. Not everyone who is friendly is your friend at this time. Don't allow yourself to get manipulated. An old adversary resurfaces just to annoy you. Family and friends just don't seem to see things the way you do, or that's how you may feel. Emotions take centre stage as you explore hidden feelings. Time to have a heart-to-heart chat with someone. Or make your intentions clear to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications later. A good phase begins for business partnerships. The more flexible you are, the greater your chances of getting what you want. Just be careful to document any terms and conditions before you sign the dotted line.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Your mind is alert and brimming with ideas. Someone inspires you with their perspective. Or you read a book that could change your mindset. A good week for self-improvement and enrichment. Deep within, you're already beginning to feel like you've evolved. And people will notice your new aura. You may seriously consider a new source of business, or a start-up, and if you find the right allies, you could launch it in the following year. Make sure to do your research right and get all the contracts in place before time. It could save you a lot of bother later. A friendship with a negative person may cool off, or you may choose to stop being so generous to a family member who keeps taking from you. Health matters show steady healing. And a realisation that you need to be more in charge of how you feel.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Published By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
Feb 4, 2024

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