Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 16-Th4-23 13:34

Weekly horoscope from 16 April - 22 April : Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (16 April - 22 April)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Things slowly begin to look up. You gain the respect of those who matter. And may seek out the wisdom of an experienced mentor. A sense of security slowly prevails as you realise your worth. Job seekers and businesses may find themselves in dialogue with established organisations or rubbing shoulders with influential people. Old investments finally start showing results. And you begin to make future plans with new found wisdom and a sense of caution. Even in matters of the heart, you could find yourself drawn to a mature soul. Or rediscover an old connection from a long time ago. Old is gold you know.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Bring things back into balance. You may have been overindulging a bit too much lately and the bank balance and weighing scale wont hide the numbers. A good week to assess any problems realistically and make the changes. Meetings and negotiations may be time consuming but are fruitful to all concerned. Keep an eye on your spending habits. And avoid lending or borrowing until your paperwork is up to date. A blossoming relationship needs freedom, being too possessive only adds to your stress levels. Plans may be finalised for a holiday, just be sure to stay within your budget.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Something feels incomplete. Though you may have accomplished a great deal in the past few months, you may still feel as if there’s more to be done, or something missing. A relationship that’s gone silent may need closure. Or you realise that you could have done something better. No point ruminating over the past. Time to move forward and time to turn to your own inner guidance about the next steps. Joining a community of like minded people, or working for a cause you believe in may bring a sense of purpose to you. Money matters look promising and you may begin the process of upgrading your home, your electronic devices or planning for an upcoming investment.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Even though everything seems to be in place and in working order, you may be restless and on edge. Perhaps a conversation triggered an unpleasant memory. Or someone’s behaviour makes you feel a little anxious about what they can say or do next. Time to find your inner peace, even if it means detaching from work and family for a while. A part of you is exhausted and may be in need of some deep rest and recreation. Do what you must for your own health. Relief comes from just being home or among familiar faces who love you unconditionally. A good week to let go, forgive and move on with peace.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Energy levels may fluctuate. Or you may find yourself worrying about whether you will be able to complete the tasks ahead. There’s a lot weighing on your shoulders, and if you don’t take frequent breaks, or delegate it could start affecting your health. Focus on long term results and gains and things should work out fine. Being impatient helps no one. A special someone may need special handling especially if they’re in the midst of a stressful phase. Be supportive and encourage them in a way you know best. Alternative healing and therapy starts showing results in health matters.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

You’re mastering the art of detachment. Something that bothered you a lot no longer does. People who used to annoy you, now simply amuse you. The more you let go of reacting to things beyond your control, the more peace you find. A period for starting anew, you may consider looking for a change in career, or altering your business strategy or breaking away from toxic relationships. Your determination is pretty high this week so use this energy to get what you want. Any form of exercise brings desired results. Money that was owed to you will be returned, but you may need to be a lot more assertive than before.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Temper temper dear Libran. Small things that start off as irritants could blow up into a full fledged meltdown. Someone may not be listening to reason and you realise no matter what you say or do, they aren’t going to change. Delays at the workplace may get frustrating but in hindsight you’ll realise whatever is happening now, is for the best. Be careful while checking documents and writing mails, a mistake could prove to be costly. At home, a young soul’s moods may get tiresome, and you may need to try a different, more gentler approach to handle them. Whatever you do, don’t be impulsive, count to 10 before you say, write or do something.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Your heart may no longer feel like doing something. Perhaps you’re feeling blocked, or perhaps the joy that motivated you at work is missing. Or a relationship begins to feel stale and boring. Realise it’s only temporary and try to reclaim the memories of the past to remind you why you started in the first place. A short break may be just what your soul needs to rejuvenate itself. Not a time to take any risks, especially in money matters, make sure your head you follow logic over emotion. Introspection and meditation brings lessons your way, a time to learn more about your own self and why things may be the way they are.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Your need to get everything perfect and in control all the time may get the better of you. Focus too much on every tiny detail and you lose a sense of the bigger picture. Frustration builds up when you realise people don’t share your sense of ethic or drive. And you may have to deal with people who are slacking at their job or lying to your face about what they’re doing. Step back and understand you cannot change those who wish to stay where they are. A friend begins to show their true colours and you wonder if it’s time to continue this way or just pull back and focus on yourself. Upcoming projects bring in the promise of greater gains. Health matters get back on track, just stay mindful to what your body tells you.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

If you want to grow, you’ll need to work through your fears and see just what is holding you back. Time to take a few risks and stop sticking to the tried and tested all the time. Businesses and self employed Capricornians have the potential to grow with upcoming trends and technologies, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Watch out for disagreements with loved ones, as one of you realises you’re doing all the work all the time. Be assertive but also a lot more sensitive to the other person’s feelings. If it all gets to much, turn to meditation or conscious relaxation therapy to bring you back to balance so you see the big picture.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Determination and confidence levels are high. And you’re not going to let anything or anyone stop you from what you’re after. A good phase begins to lay down strategies, put down your goals and to ask for the raise you’ve been thinking of. Students, researchers and analysts make progress. And if you’re ready for it, you may even launch a new business in this time. Just be careful of promising more than you can deliver. Over extending yourself may také a toll on your health and energy levels. In terms of love, you could find yourself getting physically attracted to someone who’s not your usual type.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

The more you believe in yourself, the more you can do. Plans go smoothly as you have taken the time to plan and execute things perfectly. A good phase begins to create a stable foundation for yourself and any contacts you make now will prove valuable later. Networking in your industry brings profitable leads. Or you may find ways to showcase your skills to a larger audience. Socially, you are at your best as your popularity soars among new circles. Married Pisceans can expect to host quite a few parties and events in this phase. Don’t hold back, show them just how special you are.

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Edited By:
Navya sharma
Published On:
Apr 16, 2023


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