Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 21-Th5-23 05:40

Weekly horoscope from 21 May to 27 May: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (May 21 to May 27) ? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Take charge. Stop expecting too much from others. And let go of any grievances with those who promised but did not deliver. You may find yourself stuck in a situation or your motivation levels may be low. Do what you can to get back up and reclaim your power. A great phase begins to upskill yourself or go in for specialised learning. Students have the ability to get the subject of their choice in reputed institutions. Overseas travel may be postponed temporarily. Or you may have visitors from overseas. Money matters need a little more attention. Only you can push yourself and you will.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

With your dedication and eye for detail, you could spot a few errors in the last minute which could save the team a lot of time. Or you find a missing link to a mystery. Your workload may be high but you will meet all deadlines. A serious and practical young man offers help or advice when you need it. A budding relationship shows signs of long-term stability. And you may look at safer, low risk options to invest your money in. Health matters show healing and you may change your lifestyle for the better.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

A part of you has changed forever. No longer are you as innocent or gullible as you used to be. Self-employment or even changing your career seems to be on the horizon for adventurous Geminis. Businesses may be in the mood of taking a few calculated risks. If there’s anything you seek right now, it’s adventure and variety. Singles may find themselves meeting with people who are totally not their type. A holiday may be planned at a totally new destination. Money matters show signs of long term growth and stability, but you may be in the mood to splurge and pamper yourself with a new car or a phone.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Get your facts right before you speak. A conversation could turn unpleasant when you assume too many things. You may not be willing to settle for average and will push yourself to do better. Or even push the team to excel. A good phase begins for Cancerians in IT, journalism and R&D. People will notice your hard work and astute observations. Just watch out for sharp words or the interference of an older woman either at work or in your personal life. Married Cancerians may need to sort out an old difference before moving to a new phase of togetherness. Take no one and nothing for granted. Express your feelings as often as you can to as many people in your life as you can.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Overthinking and poor sleep patterns may take a toll on your health if you aren’t careful. Energy levels may fluctuate from days where a lot gets accomplished to days where you don’t even wish to step out of bed. An old rival resurfaces and causes trouble. Just don’t give too much attention to your haters and focus on being the best you can. Even at home, you may feel like no one else is putting in the effort you are. Speak out and ask for what you want. A good week to take charge of health matters. Mindfulness now will help you in the long run.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Don’t let one bad moment ruin your day. Stay grounded and focus on the practical side of life. A difficult person may test your patience and you will be tempted to lash out, but it would be wiser to keep your peace till the phase passes. Unexpected calls, messages and visitors may alter your routine, so remain open-minded and very flexible to last-minute changes. Life is teaching you to go with the flow and understand not everything and everyone can be controlled. A good week to rest and recuperate if you’ve been ailing lately. Or just detox and disconnect for a while.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Be prepared to bring your best to the table. Competition may be fierce. Or you find yourself having to contend with a rival who wants what you are after. Watch out for phases of irritability and frustration. Sometimes it’s better to just let go and see what happens. Workplace politics may peak or you could find yourself being treated unfairly. Speak out if you must, but do be prepared for a long battle ahead. Finances go well as long as you stay within your budget. Solace comes from being home or with loved ones who accept you unconditionally.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

A time to watch and wait. Work in progress may be delayed or someone takes their time to revert with answers. Your instincts are sharper, so follow your gut feeling about someone or a situation. In relationships, a third party may cause insecurity or trouble, but if you clear things out directly, it can be settled. Paperwork, forms, documentation may be confusing, but with a little more focus and persistence, the job will be done. If there’s anything to watch out for, it could be fluctuating energy levels or the return of an old ailment.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself more at peace with the world. The card of harmony and inner balance ushers in a phase of bliss, comfort and joy in the small things of life. Relax and soak the beauty in, remember good times don’t last, and neither do bad times. Someone is forgiven. And you move to a new chapter of your life. A new job, line of business or creative strategy will bring the rewards you seek. However, do remember not to be in too much of a rush to complete the tasks in hand. A relationship may need delicate handling, rushing things will only bring you back to square one. One step at a time and a lot can get done.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan19)

It’s time for some deep reflection. And the cards nudge you into some deep introspection and meditation. Pause and think about who you are, what you may be avoiding or denying in yourself. Allow yourself to ponder over honesty. Are you being completely honest with others? But most importantly, are you being completely honest with yourself? Remember true growth only happens when we’re absolutely true to ourselves. You may let go of an old relationship that’s turned toxic. Or choose to detach yourself from people and places that drain you. The focus is on you. And how you can make things better. Honesty is the best policy in transactions and promises.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You are going to do it your way. And with style. Originality and self-reliance are your keywords in this phase. You may get tired of the constraints around you, or feel like breaking free from a situation that’s beginning to feel suffocating. There may be misunderstandings in your personal life, or you may need to set a few boundaries with a possessive partner. Somewhere in your strong need to be free of all demands and bonds, you may run into conflicts with others who may resent your sudden desire to be free. Do it gently, do it compassionately and then enjoy your new-found independence. The changes you encounter bring in new perspectives and a new you.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Karma isn’t always a negative thing, as the cards suggest. A phase begins where you will be rewarded or challenged for actions from the past. Time to be mindful of thoughts and actions, because for every action there will be a reaction. Energies are balancing out in your life so expect sudden highs and lows. Stay calm as long as possible and take time out to meditate. A short getaway from the routine will rejuvenate your soul. Voluntary work and acts of charity bring many blessings your way. Money will come and go with equal force.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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Edited By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
May 21, 2023


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