Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 23-Th4-23 17:44

Weekly horoscope from 23 April - 29 April: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (23 April - 29 April)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

If you haven’t learnt it yet, the Universe sends you the lesson of patience yet again. Time to hold still and wait through the repeated delays. Someone may not revert with an answer quite as soon as you’d like. Or you may find yourself in an unending queue waiting to be heard. This too shall pass, but only after you learn to be patient. Watch out for snappy moments with loved ones. Or unnecessary explosions that could have been handled calmly. Release the steam with some good old cardio. And if it gets too much, just disconnect and detox. This too shall pass.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

You could get an opportunity to work behind the scenes of an important project or presentation. Your viewpoints are valuable. And people will pay attention to your detailed approach to a complex matter. People may seek you out for some of your practical wisdom and valued advice. Or you could find yourself playing mediator to two warring parties. At home, take special care of mother figures. An older woman’s demands seem never-ending and you may start putting up a few boundaries with her. Watch out for splurging on things you don’t really need.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Even though it may seem like you’re on a never-ending cycle of work, you will plod on. Persistence and consistency pays, and people recognise you for the amount you put in, even though it may not be evident right now. You may choose to change directions or adopt a totally new way of working. Expect a few eyebrows to go up as you openly choose a different look or route. A loyal friend needs your support and encouragement. A child may require you to be a little more loving rather than so cerebral about everything. Sharing your feelings could bring a pleasant surprise or two.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The card of karma reminds you that you get what you give. Whatever energy you be putting out, is being mirrored back to you. Be mindful about how you talk with and treat others around. Acts of charity, kindness and voluntary service will bring hidden blessings your way. Singles may find themselves connecting with a kindred spirit, someone who’s going through exactly the same challenges and experiences as you. A good week to be generous with your time, energy and possessions. A special occasion raises the spirits and you could meet up with a friend from a long time ago.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Don’t listen to your critics. And don’t listen to any voices of self doubt either. You can and you will do things, and do them well. Someone may criticise your style of working unfairly. Or you could hear some negative gossip about you. Ignore them all and just focus on the path straight ahead of you. Businesses may slow down or you could find your job search taking much longer than you thought. Staying optimistic will get you through some difficult moments. Singles could find themselves meeting people who may be non-committal. Giving them space and letting go of expectations should bring you the answers about their true intentions. Health matters show slow and steady healing.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Worrying is not going to help. Release the need to expect things to go your way and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. A week to understand boundaries, your own and those of others around you. Give someone space to do things their way. Encourage a younger soul to experiment. Money matters may be a source of temporary stress but for now you’ll just have to wait things out. Virgos in the digital space, marketing and retail may have to deal with unfair competitive practices or someone who behaves unethically. A good week to reach out to loved ones for unconditional support and comfort. Do what it takes to de-stress before it begins to affect your health.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Perhaps you feel like breaking the rules. Or doing your own thing. Or simply ignoring what others are telling you to do. There’s a rebellious streak in you that won’t listen to tradition or reason. A great weeks for creativity, thinking out of the box and coming up with a totally new gameplan. Just be mindful of time. You may be in too much of a rush and make a mistake, or too slow and miss a deadline. A fun evening with friends is just what you need. Married couples could find themselves planning a pregnancy or planning for their children’s future. Enjoy the vibrant week, you deserve the break.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

The Universe showers you with blessings. Doors open, opportunities appear and people help you. The only problem is you may only be focussing on the problem and not what’s going right. Acknowledge the fact that you’ve come this far, and the Universe will take you further. Express gratitude to your mentors, guides and supporters. Scorpions in politics, public service, entertainment and media rise higher in the public eye in this period so make sure you’re ready. Students wanting to go overseas finally get paperwork done. And money starts coming from new sources. Enjoy this phase while it lasts, and do remember to pay the good vibes forward.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Someone’s watching your back. You earn the respect and support of someone in authority. Stability is assured in your new job. And financially a period of greater gains has begun. Your hard work pays off. And the more you let go of the past, the better your future becomes. Upcoming projects in the pipeline get reactivated. Or you may hear of some news from overseas which could alter your travel plans. In love, singles could find themselves falling for an older soul. Perhaps it’s their maturity or their rock solid values which attract you, but this has potential of becoming something much more than a casual fling.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Life is contradictory and this week may bring its share of sharp highs and lows. Sudden events could upset your plans, but at the same time a sudden opportunity could prove to just what you need. Work matters start to pick up as you realise everyone’s in it together and develop more of a team spirit. A good phase begins to extend yourself and make new connections. Reach out and make a new friend. Join a group. Or make an effort to truly listen to what someone else is saying. Holiday plans may get finalised. And if you were planning to start a new fitness regime or diet, start rightaway as this phase guarantees discipline and positive results.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

How do you see yourself as a leader? Are you shying away from taking on more responsibility? Is your team working for or against you. Seize back control and reassess your style of running the show. You may find yourself having to contend with people in power, or large organisations and patient handling will be required. Issues of freedom and possessiveness may come in the way of your relationship. Either you or your significant other may be a bit too demanding and it’s time to work towards bringing an equal footing in the equation. The health of an older man may be cause for concern and timely treatment will assure healing. Just be patient with the process.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Memories of the good old days return. You may wish for a time when things were simpler and more positive. Or you could find yourself repeating a pattern of behaviour from the past. A job offer may come from an ex colleague. And you start thinking about change. Clear up pending bills and be assured that loans and legal matters proceed smoothly. In matters of the heart a soulmate appears just when you needed a reminder that you are special. Be mindful about health, too much exposure to the sun may take its toll on your energy levels.

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Edited By:
Navya sharma
Published On:
Apr 23, 2023


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