Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 07-Th5-23 06:18

Weekly horoscope from 7 May - 13 May: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (7 May - 13 May)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Let the others be petty and small minded. You take the high road and do what is right. It’s time to stand up for what you believe in, and defend your truth in the face of unnecessary criticism. Busy days ahead so make sure you’re ready for the onslaught of messages, meetings and reworks. You could be planning your finances differently and will consider some smart investment strategies. A long distance friendship may fizzle. Or you find the differences outweigh the similarities with a special someone. Time to double think and relook the relationship for what it truly is, and not what you’d like it to be.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Slow down. Think before you speak. Pause before you rush. If you’re not careful, you could just end up getting burnt out and exhausted. People may annoy you or you could find yourself feeling trapped by circumstances. Whatever it is, don’t react. Small explosions over petty matters could turn into a full blown argument. If it gets too much, take out time to introspect, meditate or just calm down with some good music. Even at home, someone may act aggressively. Or worse, in a passive aggressive manner. Not a good time to confront anything but to wait for a quieter time to clear the air. Watch out for mindless spending on things you don’t really need.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

You’ve had enough. A part of you is ready to walk away. Before you put in your papers, ask yourself why you started in the first place. The Universe may be sending you the lesson of tolerance. And if you don’t learn it, you may have to contend with people who are diametrically opposite to you. Self employed Geminis could find new ways of earning money. Or a new stream of income shows potential. Relationships may go through a testing time. Or you may feel totally detached from someone. Just don’t make any hasty decisions. And if it all gets too much, practice some self care.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It’s time to think about the long term. Plan your future. Seek out a mentor as well. And don’t procrastinate. A week where a lot of planning can take place, provided you’re in the mood to work. A strategy may need fine tuning before it’s ready to be executed. Financially seek clarity before making any impulsive moves. Letting go of expectations from a loved one brings relief when you realise they’re going to do exactly what they want. And be who they are. Health matters show improvement especially with the changes you’ve brought into your daily routine.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Something that feels good suddenly becomes boring. Excitement is replaced by dullness. A promising friendship dwindles. Or someone simply ghosts on you. A week of sudden changes, be prepared for anything. Last minute delays could throw the plan off gear. Or you could suddenly change your mind and do something totally different. A good week for entrepreneurs and those in finance, your ideas and your strategy is innovative and promising. Singles may find themselves a little restless or may seek out new experiences. Matters related to properties shows signs of getting sorted out at last.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

A pleasant surprise! Something works out better than you had imagined. Or an idea shows signs of success. Your energy levels are high and you feel like getting a lot done in the days ahead. Just make sure to motivate the others to catch up with your vibe. Work related travel could be on the cards. Or you start looking for jobs that give you a chance to travel or relocate. While you’re out and about you may also attract a lot of attention, and if single enjoy your magnetic appeal. A holiday romance may be in store for you.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

One door closes, and another one opens. It’s only natural that some relationships have to end. Making way for something new or better. Perhaps you decide to resign from your job, or just walk away from a connection that was simply draining you. You’re pretty decisive about what you don’t want and may choose to enjoy moments of solitude. Spending time in nature heals you and gets you ready for a new chapter that’s about to begin. Students need to take short breaks between studies. And Librans in Law, Research and Design may choose to learn a new skill or hobby just to bring a balance between work and home. If you’ve been waiting for news about a loan or a pay rise, there’s good news along the way.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Something sparks your curiosity. And you may spend time researching or looking for answers to a mystery that piques you. You are open to new experiences and the more questions you ask, the more you will grow. Just watch your words as they may be misunderstood. Pause before you give someone a piece of your mind and steer clear of gossip. In matters of the heart a young intelligent soul may show you a different way of looking at things. Or you discover a new passion that makes you feel young again. Don’t hold back , you’re enroute to reinventing a side of yourself or paving the way for an exciting future.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Be patient with the process and with other people. Though things may not be so obvious right now, the answers will reveal themselves in a few weeks. A secret may be discovered. Or you discover someone’s hidden motivations. Or see the true face of someone. Hastiness will cost you later so it would be wiser to take a slower, measured approach and leave the risks for later. Rivalry may come in the form of a young woman who may challenge you at the work place or even in personal relationships. Kind gestures build emotional bonds. And you may find yourself doing some voluntary work or an act of charity.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Energy levels may be low. Or you just don’t feel as motivated as you once did. Something doesn’t excite you any longer. Or you feel like just taking a back seat right now and giving someone else all the control. However make sure you don’t come across as a pushover. A controlling man may not be as reliable as he makes himself out to be. Work on building up your health and immunity especially if you’ve not been feeling yourself lately. A general check up or relooking your nutrition should bring back the energy and enthusiasm levels.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You’re on the verge of an exciting new chapter of your life. Travel to new places. Launching a new business. Meeting with totally new groups of people. Everything is unfamiliar, new and holds the promise of a lot of good times. Big opportunities may come your way which could advance your current situation. Just make sure to do your homework before you take a leap. And if you’re single, there could be a fun filled romance waiting for you round the corner. Open your mind and dare to be different!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Don’t be too focussed on the short term. Step back and see how the present affects your long term potential. At work something you thought would be a success may disappoint. Or you find that you’ve spent too much time and money on an idea that really wasn’t worth it. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving. A good week to clear any debts and repay your loans. Personally, don’t care about what others think or say. Friendships formed now can be forever. A short trip out of the city may be just what your soul needs.

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Edited By:
Navya sharma
Published On:
May 7, 2023
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