Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 09-Th4-23 12:15

Weekly horoscope from 9 April - 15 April : Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (9 April - 15 April)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A time of transition. The old ways no longer work but the new way hasn’t been found yet. You may find yourself seeking solutions or looking for answers. International collaborations and contacts come to the forefront. Students and job seekers looking to travel overseas may have to deal with temporary delays, but don’t give up now. Where there’s a will, there is a way. Even in relationships, you discover a little time, a little sacrifice and a little attention goes a long way in strengthening an emotional bond. In health matters a recent illness may require you to rest more.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Remain positive in the face of sudden changes. Someone may behave unpredictably. Or something that looked promising turns out to be a disaster. Take nothing at face value for now, and just remain an observer until the answers reveal themselves. An older woman reveals just how manipulative she is. Or you discover a shocking secret about someone you know. A good week to network especially if you’re looking to expand your business, or change your job. In matters of the heart, you know you’ve found the right person when you realise just how supportive they are of your goals and dreams.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

The Universe mirrors your positive vibe. Smile and it will smile back. People will sense your upbeat mood. And you may find yourself being quite popular in certain circles. At work, expect an answer and be prepared to be a little more flexible with the demands of others. Not everything will go according to the original plan, but that’s okay in the long run. Expect to complete some time consuming paperwork with banks and institutions. Singles may find themselves in long conversations with someone online, and you may decide to meet soon. The less you expect from others, the more they will surprise you.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

If you’ve been struggling with loss, realise the worst is over and things will gradually get better. You may have to accept a situation as it is and not expect others to think and behave the way you do. An old connection is severed once and for all when you realise the other person really didn’t care in the first place. A good week to consider the options ahead of you, be they in terms of higher education, business opportunities or even the careers you’d like to work in. Your analysis of situations will prove to be beneficial in the long run. Time to let go of the past and start anew. This time you know you’ll be wiser.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

There’s a part of you that’s getting sick of doing what’s always expected of you. And you may feel like rebelling a little. You may even feel like disappearing for a while. Or going offline. Whatever you decide to do for your privacy may not get you the desired results as you find more and more people messaging you, or inviting you or just missing you. A good week to declutter, clear out the junk and begin again, the cards assure you a lot can get done, but only when you want to do it. Matters related to legal affairs and real estate start showing positive developments. Your dream home could come faster than you think. Stay optimistic, and stay true to your self.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

If something’s bothering you, speak up. Stop saying yes when you actually mean no. The time may have come for you to be more assertive and that begins by getting in touch with your truest emotions. Your best advice at work and business for this phase is to simply stick to the tried and tested and save the innovative ideas for a later date. And if you do find time in your busy schedule, how about a little upskilling? Friends and family bring joyful news of an engagement, marriage or birth and you may make plans of meeting up. Health matters may need a second opinion for faster results.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Don’t allow self doubt to block your progress. You’ve come so far because you deserve it. And now is not the time to second guess yourself or think about alternatives. Stay where you are and be patient. Good things may be on their way and the more confident you are and appear to others, the better your chances for greater success. Relationships blossom when you give the other person space to be truly themselves. Any attempts to change them will only lead to arguments and heartache. Money matters show promise when you decide to be a lot more self reliant in your approach.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Time for a reality check. Don’t run away with your fears and focus your energies on the practical side of life. Sleep patterns may get awry as you find yourself replaying conversations or overthinking a situation to the point of exhaustion. A conversation may lead you confused about a situation at work or you may begin to consider changing careers, or even starting your own business. Mother figures may need a little attention especially if you haven’t been in touch lately. A good week to let go of old baggage and just focus on healing.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

A new chapter unfolds. A new job. A dream project. Or a totally different outlook to life. People may have shown you their true colours lately, and you realise it’s pointless to expect anything out of them. You’re willing to chart a new course and understand and appreciate the lesson of self reliance. Businesses that begin in this phase start off smoothly. Or you could start thinking of diversifying into something new and potentially profitable. Spending time outdoors heals the spirit and you realise just how valuable inner peace is.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Someone’s not being totally honest with you and if you aren’t careful it could lead to a messy situation. Be careful about your valuables. And mindful around the gossip mongers at the workplace. A rumour can be started and you could get involved in a mindless controversy which only ends up wasting everyone’s time. Men in the family may not be too open to your ideas so it would be wise to just bide your time for now before trying to make them see your point of view. Holiday plans are finalised, and this could be just the break your soul craves for. An old ailment shows signs of clearing up once and for all.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

A gradual sense of freedom creeps in. A sigh of relief as you realise you’ve completed a chapter of your life successfully. Learn from past mistakes and move forward with a sense of optimism. Anxiety levels decrease with mindful practices. Open dialogues with people at work and in your personal life brings a deeper understanding and strengthens bonds of trust. Just watch out for overindulgence in too much food or drink as it could lead to minor health issues. A friend from far away brings some surprising news.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

So much to do so little time. Ask for help if it gets too much. And don’t get overwhelmed by quantity. Time to renew your focus and concentrate only on the priorities and bring in the a work life balance. Worries regarding repayment of loans and paperwork are not as bad as they seem, and the situation can be handled with professional advice. In matters of the heart, be a little more understanding with family members. Taking out your stress on someone may not be the best way forward. Release, refocus and recalibrate

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Edited By:
Navya sharma
Published On:
Apr 9, 2023


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