Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 18-Th2-24 03:20

Weekly horoscope from February 18 to February 24: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week February 18 to 24? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Opportunities abound. Choices aplenty. A new phase begins which offers you a chance to broaden your horizons and your experiences. You could learn a new skill. Or work on an international project. Or even travel for work. Keep your network active and stay in touch with those with influence. Be as adventurous and open minded as you can. New friendships that blossom now have the potential to be long lasting. Family matters run smoothly when you realise someone has only your best interest in mind. A good phase begins financially as you realise that your efforts are bearing fruit. Just don’t let self doubt creep in. Good things are coming.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

You could find yourself at the crossroads. An important decision needs to be made. This could be related to your job, your career or even your relationship. Take your time before you decide. Consider all the pros and cons and understand once you take a step, there is no looking back. Plans may be finalised about a new home, or even migration in this period. Students looking to go overseas come closer to their dreams. News or even visitors from overseas may keep you busy for a short while. Singles may meet the person of their dreams or find themselves getting strongly attracted to someone new. Lady luck favours business partnerships, financial collaborations and all forms of negotiation.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Time to share. Time to give back. Be it your possessions, your money, your time or your skill. And remember, the more you give, the more you shall receive. You may choose to take a mentoring role, or decide to volunteer your time for a cause you care strongly about. At work you may receive praise or recognition for your exceptional work. A friend or family member may ask for a loan, think things through and realise they may not be in a position to return the amount as promised. Relationship wise, strive to bring back the balance. You can’t always be the one doing all the work , it has to be give and take. If you’ve been ailing for a while, the cards assure of you healing, slowly but surely.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Something needs to be back in balance. You may overdoing something, or not doing enough. Figure out which areas of your life require a moderated approach and bring in the changes. Trust your feelings about someone or a situation. If it doesn’t feel right, it would be wise to back off for now. You may even begin to re-examine your priorities. Or take more time out for your own self care. Only you know what you truly need. Alternative healing and meditation bring much needed relief. Especially if you find yourself getting drained by other peoples’ demands and behaviour. A manipulative woman may need to be blocked or avoided as you begin to see her game. Money matters may require a watchful eye. Be wary of get rich quick schemes and don’t overspend. A good week to sort things out and make a fresh more positive start.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Get ready for an adventure. One filled with positive experiences which will lead to a total change for the better in the weeks ahead. The more open you remain the better things will be. If you’re looking to start something new, be it your own business, a new job, or a new relationship, the cards urge you to go for it. Take a few risks, try doing things differently and prepare for some pleasant surprises. Time spent with friends will be lighthearted and full of laughter. A short holiday may be planned. And if you were planning to go in for a makeover, you may even do it now. Put all your ideas into work. And financially looking forward to a stress free phase. Health wise, all good dear Leo, just don’t overdo things.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Are you overcommitting and stretching yourself at work? Or juggling way too many responsibilities than is humanly possible. The cards warn you not to overdo things and take on unnecessary stress. You may find that you’re too exhausted by the end of the day to care about your own well being. Or find that you’re becoming too snappy with the young ones. Spouses and partners may begin to feel neglected or demand more attention and your time. Your mind and body needs a rest. And if you can detox, that would be even better. A financially messy situation can be handled with a calm mind and the advice of a mentor. Watch out for over exertion, sudden sprains and aches. Realise you’re human and it’s time to take better care of your own needs.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Your workload and responsibilities may suddenly increase temporarily. You may end up doing the job of 3 people. Or having to care for a family member. Don’t get overwhelmed. Take short breaks and understand this too shall pass. Relationships may suffer as you find yourself getting stressed out easily, or not being too tolerant of the other person’s quirks. Hang in there, bonds do strengthen and trust does grow out of difficult moments. At work you may need to set limits or start delegating your work if it gets way too much. Rewards are coming and there could be some good news financially in the next few weeks. You will be blessed for not giving up now.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Stop allowing your fears of what could go wrong to prevent you from moving forward? None of your fears are coming true. And its time to silence the anxious voice inside you and take a few bold moves towards your goals. The obstacles you face are only stepping stones, and the more you realise that the tests are only placed in front of you to make you stronger, the further you will advance. Matters of trust may come up with you and someone close to you. Either you spot a lie or an inconsistent pattern in their promises or actions, or you realise you can no longer trust someone blindly. Spiritually this is a phase of great growth, do not allow one setback to hold you back. Do what needs to be done and don’t worry about what other people are thinking or saying about you.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Perhaps you don’t feel socialising. Or you’re just tired by the social interactions and the superficial chatter. You may crave some solitude. Or just opt for some peace and quiet in your space. This doesn’t mean nothing’s going to happen, it just means you get time out to heal your soul and put some long term plans into action. Self employed Saggitarians may have to deal with a quiet phase workwise. Or you may choose to postpone a deadline. Women in the family may plan an event or seek your advice about someone else’s heartache. Paperwork may need to be re-organised. You could find a missing document or jewellery which you thought was lost forever. Health matters remain good. Enjoy your quiet time.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

A part of you is yearning to go independent. Break away from the usual routine. Leave a stagnant job or career path. Or distance yourself from a relationship that drags you down. You may assert yourself more than usual. Or start taking steps towards your dream of going solo. Be a little cautious about who you share your dreams with. Someone may act a little sneaky, or you discover your ideas have been stolen or someone’s true agenda is revealed. And a little mindfulness about your valuables is advised. Extra vigilance may be required in money matters. Ensure everyone’s being totally honest while negotiating. And make it a point to be fair in business dealings. Health matters may require a little more self honesty about letting go of bad habits.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Patience pays. Don’t lose hope now, after all that you’ve done. Remain optimistic and you will find a lot more gets done. Don’t listen to your critics and stay away from those who do nothing but complain. Now is not a time to get distracted by the negativity, and to only focus on yourself and the light that shines within you. In negotiations don’t fall for appearances and press a little harder for closure. A longstanding bill gets paid, or money that was owed to you is returned with a few more reminders. An old friendship has the potential to turn romantic. Or you hear from a special someone after a long period of silence. If energy levels dip, make sure you’re eating nutritious food. Steer clear of junk food even if tempted.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Go that extra mile. Push yourself. Draw deep into your inner reserves of strength and give more of yourself. Now’s not the time to be complacent or to compare yourself with others. Efforts will bring results. And on the work front, a breakthrough idea or a new strategy could bring in the desired outcome. Friends and family come forward to support your dream when they see how badly you want it, and how hard you’re working. Control the urge to splurge until the money comes in hand. And just when you feel you can’t slog anymore, a pleasant surprise arrives to take the edge off. You may need to make a lot more effort if you want new friends. Time to bring out the charming side and reach out.

Published By:
Sudeep Lavania
Published On:
Feb 18, 2024

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