Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 25-Th2-24 06:42

Weekly horoscope from February 25 to March 2: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week February 25 to March 2? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You may feel like you’re being tested by the Universe. And you are. Dig deep into your inner reserves of strength and know you are capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way. Just a few obstacles to cross and you’re enroute to the success you desire. Watch out for bouts of impatience. Don’t take out your frustrations on others. Release the energy with some brisk cardio and deep breathing instead. A budding relationship may fizzle out. Or you may discover you have nothing left in common with a special someone. Just be yourself and the right people will find you. Watch your diet, especially if it’s been full of junk food lately. You need the nutrition to build up your strength in the days ahead.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Blaming others is easy. Taking accountability is where the true path lies. Look within and see what needs to change if you want the situation to proceed smoothly. Someone at the workplace may disappoint you with their attitude or behaviour. Or you may find yourself bickering a lot more with loved ones at home. Once again, don’t expect others to change, take a different route while interacting with them. Singles could find themselves finding the right person in this period and an engagement could be announced. Students make up their mind about what subject to specialise in, or may even switch their streams. Money matters show delays but with the promise of good things ahead. Hang in there.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Remember what your elders have taught you. A time to reconnect with traditions and rituals of the past that have been passed down generations. A mentor may appear. Either you choose to nurture and train the younger souls at work. Or you find a teacher who guides you with their wise words. Avoid being too judgemental of your friends and family, everyone is doing the best they can, considering the circumstances. Meditation brings deep insights into your life. Is it time to release a bad habit once and for all? Or is it time to care more about your own spiritual growth. Financially a period begins where you may need to organise and consolidate your savings. Think long term.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Abundance surrounds you. And even though you may not notice it right away, you are blessed in several ways. Look at all the things that are going right and not only on what needs to be rectified. An independent, self reliant approach seems to be the best way forward in work matters. You may even choose to start your own enterprise in this phase. Or if in business, launch a new product or service that has the promise of being very profitable. When it comes to other people in your life, ask for advice but listen to your own better judgement. Health matters show steady improvement and the better you feel about your life, the better things will get.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Time to sort out all money matters. Pending bills, missing documents, investments, you name it. The more organised you are now, the more at peace you will be in the weeks ahead. Cut your losses, work on clearing any old debts and avoid taking financial risks until you’re absolutely sure of the scenario. Even in relationships, it would be wise to not be too gullible at this time. Someone may be manipulating you. Or worse, simply taking advantage of your generosity. Travel plans could get finalised. Health matters remain good as long as you remain mindful. Avoid lending or borrowing money for now till things get clear.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

There may be too much going on in your life. Work demands and family demands may pull you in all directions leaving you overwhelmed and confused by what to do, and what not to do. All you need is a little peace and quiet to sort out your priorities and work on taking things one step at a time. Let your feelings be your guide. Take a reality check and see things for what they are and not what you’d like them to be. You don’t need to keep searching for that big idea; you have what you need. A younger man may need to be handled with firm assertiveness. A pending bill can be cleared. A medical ailment shows signs of healing. Slow down and trust the process.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Honesty is the best policy. And the best part about telling the truth is that once you speak it, you don’t have to remember anything. An uncomfortable situation may require you to be completely transparent. Loyalties may be tested as you discover a team member may not be as devoted as they appear. Or you realise you’ve been fooled. Time to move on and search for alternative solutions. A secret admirer may reveal their true feelings or you gain a deeper understanding of your partner. You may be in the mood to experiment or try out new things, don’t hold back. A new diet or workout regime may catch your fancy, just stick with it and the results will show.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Count to 10 when provoked. Think before you speak. Calm is a superpower and the days ahead may test you to keep your cool in the face of a troll or a bully. A small disagreement could turn into a full blown showdown. Or someone may not take your feedback kindly. Decide which battles are worth fighting and which should be ignored and carry on. Obstacles in the career require tolerance and a little compassion for the other person. Quitting now is not an option. A budding new friendship may suddenly go quiet for a while. Give them space and they’ll reconnect. Health matters remain good as long as you are careful to not strain yourself or overindulge.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

After a few hiccups, things get smooth again. A project that showed promise turns out to be a headache. Or you may find yourself dealing with everyone’s egos in the team. Stay calm, stay focussed and don’t let minor disappointments make you believe things are not going to happen. Critics may need to be ignored. They don’t know you nor do they know how hard you’ve worked to be where you are. Romance may be round the corner for singles. Don’t give up and make sure to put your best self out there. Just one tip, while you’re busy with making a difference to others lives, don’t forget to schedule time for your own spiritual growth.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Let logic and clear thinking be your guide. Get your facts straight before you take any stand. A little research on money and work matters will help. You may need to consult with a Lawyer or someone who knows his way around things. At work, a boss begins to recognise your capability and may be looking to expand your role and responsibilities. An upcoming project could require a lot of your time so make sure you’ve organised your time. On the home front you could start looking for a new home, or considering enlarging your living space. There’s a lot to be done, and you know, only you can get it done. Just don’t neglect your health.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Things will slowly start to fall into place. Your hard work and patience begin to get noticed. Businesses are beginning to bear fruit. But you need to be a little more patient with the journey for now. Even on the home front, you may feel like decluttering or renovating your living space. Letting go of the old and the damaged and clearing out your cupboards. Positive changes are ahead of you, but for now focus on taking tiny steps rather than hurrying through. Marriage couples may need more quality time together to share and bond. Children may require a little more encouragement. A good phase to get things sorted and to stay optimistic. Good things are coming.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Your workload may suddenly triple. Or you discover you missed a deadline and scramble to get things done. Work demands may pile up. And if you’re a student, there’s a lot more to prepare for than you originally anticipated. Time to get organised and work in a methodical manner. Set clear goals and if need be, ask others to help you. A relationship may turn into codependency. Or you could turn away from a friendship that’s turning toxic. Time spent in nature brings peace and healing. Financially expect good news, a bonus, increment or you could discover some money you’d forgotten about.

Published By:
Sudeep Lavania
Published On:
Feb 25, 2024

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