Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 21-Th1-24 08:48

Weekly horoscope from January 21 to January 27: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week, January 21 to January 27? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You may be taking on more than you can handle. Anything that does not add value in your life is not worth your time, so let it go. Just focus on the priorities and get a little more organised with respect to time. Money matters start looking up and you begin to feel freer when you pay back a loan or return what isn’t yours. Relationships may drag you down, especially if you are the one who does all the planning and the work in the relationship. A long conversation with a loved one about sharing responsibilities should put things on track. A good phase begins to declutter and simplify your life. Travel light and travel free.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

What goes around, comes around. The card of good karma appears. And you will be blessed for all your kind words and good deeds. There is a feeling of optimism again as things slowly start working in your favour. Or you learn to tolerate the difficult people in your life. Things are not as bad as they seem when you change your perspective. In money and career matters look forward to an upcoming period of sudden gains. Positive changes come in to your love life and friendships, look forward to harmony, love and laughter in the days ahead. One word of caution, everything comes in phases. When you have good moments in your life, make sure that you enjoy this phase to the fullest.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Your journey is yours alone and only you know what you’ve been through to get where you are. Stop comparing, don’t look over your shoulder, just keep moving forward with the confidence that you are living your life purpose to the fullest. Time to give your loved ones the space they need, and the opportunity to spread their own wings and fly. Live and let live. And you will be free in the process. Getting possessive or controlling hurts no one else most but you. A chaotic situation can be handled with a calm mind and soft voice. Not a time to antagonise anyone, but to share, be more empathic and compassionate. Health matters reveal an upward swing, how about getting back to your fitness routine now?

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Without realising it, you may anger someone or discover someone was a hidden rival all this while and not your friend. Or unconsciously create tension in a relationship. Work may begin to feel stagnant or at times you may even think you have no control over where your life is headed. Step back, slow down and seek the advice of a trusted guide if it gets too overwhelming. Be a little cautious in money matters, no impulsive decisions please. There could be a scam or a fraudulent scheme waiting to dupe you. Health matters show healing and if you’re prone to flare ups and allergies, just be a little mindful.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Time to take a reality check. Are things really the way you think they are. Are people as straightforward as they seem. Be a little careful with documents and contracts, make sure you understand all the facts of any deal that is being presented to you.

Go beyond the illusion and re-evaluate a few things especially at work. Singles may feel like your dating life is filled with dead ends, broken hearts, and mixed messages. It is important to remain focused on what you want, instead of letting the world make your choices for you. A woman in the family may not understand the logic behind something and may require patient handline. A short break or weekend away from work may be just the thing your soul is craving for. Meditation and self care brings inner peace.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Nearly there, a major project comes to a conclusion. Don’t lose steam now. The cards urge you to hang on for a little longer and see things through with your incredible attention to detail. Do not let anxieties about the future cloud your vision. You’re on a good path and the best way forward is to simply take the step ahead of you and not worry too much about long term implications yet. Just make sure your mind gets enough rest time to recover from the intense demands at work. Children may act out, or do things just for a little attention. Partners may act indifferent to your needs but if you communicate what you expect, things should get better. A little patience goes a long way when it comes with dealing with temporary delays.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Shift your focus from what you don’t have to the abundance you are surrounded with. Let go of unnecessary things, draining relationships and baseless worries. This is a time to start afresh, but first you may need to see what is holding you back from progressing. Relationships with mother figures may be up and down. A pattern of behaviour may need to be understood and then released once and for all. Librans in creative fields may need to take a bring to bring back the inspiration, or may choose to take a break and just “be”. Commitment issues may need to be addressed directly, either you’re the one who’s avoiding it or someone else is. Money matters look good.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Your imagination may be taking its toll on you. Don’t confuse intuition for imagination and remember things aren’t always what they seem. Repressed emotions may suddenly appear, or you may find yourself lying awake at night. Remember it will pass. And don’t allow anyone’s toxic behaviour to get to you. A good period begins for Scorpions in Arts, Media, Entertainment as you find a larger audience and greater appreciation for your creations in the months ahead. Relationships suffer when we get too critical of others. Learn to tolerate other peoples’ flaws and imperfections. Investments start to show positive results. And you may make plans to either launch your own brand, start up or even invest in property. Just keep a check on your impulses and things should go fine.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Energy levels may fluctuate. Or you may feel like you’ve over exerted yourself in the recent past. Listen to your body and slow down a little. Someone’s fickle behaviour may leave you confused about their true motives. At work, don’t overdo things, and watch out for bouts of over confidence. Make sure that you are practical about what you can achieve at this time. Singles may find themselves attracted to a younger person. But don’t get too carried away just yet, wait a little longer and see how the attraction develops before rushing to commit. Money from overseas and international contracts show promise. Health matters look good as long as you take out time to rest in between.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Time to stay grounded and very practical. Doing too many things at one time, or doing too much for others may begin to take its toll on you. There may be times when you confused and overwhelmed by fears, feelings, the number of things you need to do, the number of responsibilities you have but are not starting from the base point – yourself. Take a few deep breaths and focus only on the priorities one step at a time. Be mindful about stress related ailments in this phase. And watch out for bouts of irritability with your loved ones. Give them the space they need, but also all the love and attention they may be craving for. Detox yourself from social media for a bit, or head off out of town for a weekend escape. Your future self will thank you for this time away.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Tensions may brew at the workplace. Someone’s playing politics, and someone else is becoming an obstacle to progress. Before you confront anyone, get your facts right and make sure to stand up for your beliefs and your work. You may start to feel like you don’t belong in the office and may think about updating your resume and beginning the search. Relationships may begin to feel a little stale as well, and a part of you may crave excitement and thrills. Just don’t do anything on impulse right now, hold on a bit and think things through. A careless mistake or a slip of the tongue may lead to a complicated misunderstanding. Money matters look good as long as you can control your tendency to spend it all befor the month is up. Health matters may need a second opinion.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

People may start noticing things about you. Or may remark on how much you’ve changed. You could find yourself attracting quite a bit of attention as well, just by being yourself. Content creators, writers and Pisceans in design may enjoy this phase as ideas pour in and win you quite a bit of appreciation. Even in matters of the heart, there may be a few admirers as long as you are ready for it. Travel may be on the cards. Students may need to get a little more organised for better results. Health matters look good, just keep your work life in balance.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Published By:
Sudeep Lavania
Published On:
Jan 21, 2024

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