Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 24-Th3-24 03:20

Weekly horoscope from March 24 to March 30: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week March 24 to March 30? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Sometimes you just have to accept certain things about the people in your life and get on with things. And while doing so, you may be in for a special surprise as well. An unexpected reunion or connection with old friends, colleagues or family makes you realise just how many well wishers you have. A good phase begins to heal rifts, forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones. Professionally expect activity around collaborations, alliances and mergers. Aries in the field of politics, social causes or the environment can expect success in the long term. Stay hopeful. Money matters start looking up. A new you is emerging, one that is stronger, wiser and full of potential.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Time to practice the pause. If things aren’t working the way you want them to. Or people are taking too much time to respond. And you’re not healing as fast as you’d like. Just wait and let things settle for now. Impatience and frustration will lead you nowhere. You may need a break if things get too overwhelming or exhausting. Remind yourself that self care has to be a priority. Even with loved ones, try not to read too much into their words. A casual remark could lead to misunderstandings or an argument. Lie low, let things pass. And then when things feel fine, get out and sparkle again. Delays in money matters doesn’t mean you’re not getting your due, it just means to hold on and keep the faith.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

With your brilliant insights, you can achieve a breakthrough. A longstanding problem has the potential of being solved. New strategies deliver results. And you impress your colleagues and your bosses with your presentation skills. Job seekers could get their job of their dreams. Increments and promotions may be in store for you in the following months as someone begins to recognise your value. On the home front, renovations and repairs may take up your time. Or you could plan for a complete makeover. Watch your tendency to go beyond your budget. No impulsive shopping for now. Health matters show slow but sure healing.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Your creative side wants to express itself. Get ahead and take the first step. You may find yourself getting bored by the conventional and the predictable. Ideas have the ability to manifest themselves into a successful project or dream. Brainstorming leads to answers. People are drawn to your empathy and your talents. Singles could find themselves drawn to a lighthearted, playful soul with a great sense of humour. Marriages may welcome a new member into the family. If there’s anything to watch out for, its your sleep patterns. Be mindful to get adequate rest if you want to stay healthy. You may find some money you’d forgotten about.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward despite obstacles. The passion and love you feel for your work could lead to outstanding achievements. Don’t listen to those who tell you can’t do something. And do control the urge to lash out at them. This is a time to roll up your sleeves and do things and not worry about anyone else. You may find yourself preoccupied with work a lot and family may start to miss you. A budding relationship could go quiet for now, but that’s okay as both of you have too much to do. Be a little mindful about your valuables, carelessness and forgetfulness on your part could prove to be costly later.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Let go of control. You can’t change other people’s behaviour or reactions. Someone may not be listening. Or even rebelling. But there’s little you can do right now to stop them. A little detachment from the politics at the workplace allows you to focus on other, more productive things. On the personal front, you may find yourself spending sleepless nights worrying about a family member. Again, let go and trust that things will work out just as they were meant to. Time to build your fitness levels again. Any form of physical exercise or discipline will deliver the results in time. Take out time for your health.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

You have the power to make a difference. Do it. And remember, people only get cynical with those who try to do good in this world. You may start working for a cause. Or may bring in some positive changes in the office at home that benefits all. Acts of charity and even volunteering your time sees you getting blessed by the Universe. Don’t let go of your idealistic side. Great things can happen. Businessses have the potential to expand. Or you may start looking at investing in real estate. Whatever you do has the potential to turn into wealth in the long term. Just remember to stay a little practical and all will go well.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Don’t be afraid of taking a risk. Or challenging the status quo. An opportunity appears that promises great things, and it may be time to move past feelings of doubt and hesitation and grab the chance. If life has been feeling mundane of late, it could be a sign that you have the power to change things. Collaborating with great minds could bring you closer to making an important decision. If there’s anything you need to be mindful about, its’ a tendency to be a little jealous. Give others their space. Rejoice in their success. And more will come to you. The memory of an old financial mistake from the past needs to be released once and for all. There’s more in store for you in the days ahead, you’ve learnt your lessons, now look forward to greater prosperity.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Trust issues may crop up. You may feel someone isn’t being transparent. Or find an offer to be full of loopholes. Be guarded, yes, but don’t allow it to make you lose faith in things. Professionally a busy time begins and you could find yourself occupied with a lot of reading, writing and communicating with people from all backgrounds. You may get involved in a project that has a long term impact globally. Or be part of a technologically innovative product or service that promises to be revolutionary. Money matters look good. Make sure to save and invest.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

You may rethink your original plan. Or look at other alternatives at work. Something may not have worked out the way you thought. A business plan could go awry. Or you could find yourself updating your resume again. Don’t let temporary stress make you believe things will stay this way. A shift in attitude will usher in better things your way. A loved one may not be fully honest with you. Or you discover a friend isn’t a friend after all. Once you’re over the realisation, pick up the pieces and move on. Health matters show steady recovery. Believe you can and you will.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Tighten your purse strings. Keep track of your accounts. A large expense, or a bill or even sudden expenses may need you to change your spending habits for a while. Job seekers may have great interviews but will need to be patient with answers. Businesses may be in need a new strategy or some streamlining. Letting go of dead end products and services allows you to focus on your core strengths. Singles may find themselves reconnecting with people from the past. Young children may need patient and loving care. An old recurring ailment may need a second opinon or some follow up tests.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Time to start afresh. Break through a complacent attitude. Take charge. Make a choice. And get moving. The worst is over. And the only thing that will ensure success and happiness right now is your mind set, and the efforts you make. In personal matters, be a little wary about who you trust right now with confidential information. A misunderstanding can be cleared up once and for all. Students have the potential to get what they want, provided they stay focussed. A good period begins for self employed Pisceans, especially in the field of law, education and IT.

Published By:
Sudeep Lavania
Published On:
Mar 24, 2024

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