Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 03-Th9-23 12:19

Weekly horoscope from September 3 to September 9: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week 3 to September 9? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

You need a break. Or a part of you is tired of doing the same old thing and meeting the same old faces. Perhaps a change of routine will do you good. Or just taking a couple of days off work to simple be with yourself may be the key. It’s time to recharge and renew, especially if energy levels are low. A relationship that showed promise goes quiet for a bit. Or you may find yourself not feeling very social at the moment. Whatever it is, listen to what your body is telling you. Delays in payments don’t mean the money isn’t coming. It just means, for now, you have no choice but to take things easy.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

The pace of life seems to pick up again. Things slowly start getting into place. And you start feeling better about a new routine or the changes that have happened around you. At times you may be out of your comfort zone, but in the long run, you will realise you need it. Clarity about work matters helps things go smoothly.You may choose to distance yourself from a toxic person, or just block an annoying caller. Money matters improve especially if you’ve been eyeing a promotion, or looking to expand your business. Watch out for overindulgence in health matters.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Home is where the heart is. And also where the most attention may be needed in the coming days as you busy yourself with repairs, renovations and decluttering. Geminis seeking to buy property or move homes may finally make up their minds. Money matters get sorted, loans can be paid off, or you clear up some pending bank work you’d put aside for ages. Family matters run smoothly when you focus on the practical and not the emotional. Friendships made now have the potential to be long-term connections. Watch out for overstrain, moderate your activities.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Be methodical, be practical and don’t be swayed by emotions. A lot is expected of you and a lot can be achieved with a calm, composed mind that focuses purely on the facts. Don’t expect too much from others either at this time. And at work you may have to contend with someone who can be a little dictatorial. Even in matters of the heart, remember honesty is always the best policy. And it would be better to hurt someone with the truth rather than mislead them with lies and false promises. Self-employed Cancerians can boost profits, and investments show promise in this phase. Just remember self-discipline goes a long way to getting what you want.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Choices choices. And both options seem equally interesting. You may have to make a decision at a moment’s notice. Or you may be put in a spot at work where you’ll just have to follow your inner voice and do what it tells you. Politics around you may force you to take sides. Or you could find yourself forgiving someone for a silly misunderstanding. Singles can make a choice in the days ahead. Or decide to commit to marriage. One tip, don’t ask too many people about what they think. Always trust your own better judgement. Only you know what’s best for you.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

Change is in the air. And you may start noticing it when you look in the mirror. Or in your interactions with others. Perhaps the recent challenges have made you a lot wiser. Or perhaps you will start to see the true motivation behind people's behaviour. Whatever it is, this is a phase for great spiritual growth and self-understanding. Plans may be put in place for expansion at work or you may implement strategies in the days ahead that promise greater gains and a larger audience. Watch out for taking on too much work at one go. And do be mindful about sudden sprains and aches.

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)

Take your time in whatever you’re doing. Being hasty or careless could lead to a costly mistake, or a misunderstanding at worst. Avoid rushing into commit now before weighing all the pros and cons and avoid assuming you know how other people are thinking. Job seekers may look at new and upcoming industries. Businesses may upgrade technology or diversify into a new product/service. Whatever you choose has the potential to be successful, as long as you remain thorough in your planning. Health matters reveal high energy where a lot can be accomplished. Just be patient with the process.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov21)

There is nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, but make sure that you are not hurting others or giving them wrong impressions when you do. You may spend your time planning on how to fulfil your dreams of getting more of what you want. It could be a promotion, a luxury car, a person who’s caught your fancy. And no one can match your single-minded pursuit. Just remember to bring in a little balance. Thinking about others, not going overboard with a bad habit, or exercising a little moderation should help. Money matters show signs of growth. And travel plans get finalised.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

It’s all about love. And this week is so special when it comes to matters of the heart. You may discover something you are passionate about. Or meet with someone who could be the love of your life. Or discover a different kind of peace while doing things that bring you happiness. Possibilities abound in work and business. Exercise a little creativity, try something new, and you could be on your way to something big. Open your mind to new experiences, and if single and looking, time to be more visible and social. Health matters look up as you discover the changes you’ve brought into your lifestyle lately, start delivering the results you seek.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Move on to a better mental and emotional space. Let go. Or better still, talk about your feelings. Clear a misunderstanding. Mature heart to heart discussions build better bonds. Pleasant surprises are in store for you at work. With your knack for creative problem solving, you may find yourself achieving a breakthrough. Or you may see that everyone finally understands the point you’ve been trying to make. Not a week to stay quiet in the least, the cards urge you to express, write and engage in meaningful dialogue as far as possible. Financially, things slowly start looking up as you understand the larger picture and start taking steps to build security.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

You may feel confined. Someone’s behaving too bossily. Or you could find yourself struggling against a narrow-minded system. Not a time to force things, but to take a more passive approach for the time being. If someone acts unreasonable, figure out why they may be behaving this way rather than rebelling. A lot can be accomplished in this phase if you just stick to the tried and tested for now. Temporary delays surround matters related to real estate, legal documents and contracts which may need rework. Relief comes by way of an understanding friend and the unconditional love they bring your way.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You’re being pushed to reach higher and do more for others. Protect, provide and lead, in the best way you can. More and more people are turning to you for guidance and direction. Just be mindful to be assertive and not aggressive in your directives. A good week to set long-term plans and goals. You have the ability to get what you want provided you stay focussed and organised. With your insights, a problem can be solved or a mystery unravelled. Just be mindful about bringing a healthy worklife and, most importantly, don’t neglect your health. Too many meetings could take a toll if you’re not careful.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Edited By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
Sep 3, 2023

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