Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 07-Th1-24 21:20

Weekly horoscope from January 7 to January 13: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week, January 7 to January 13? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Hold on. The delays, blocks and obstacles may get to you. You may feel impatient or drained by the waiting. Just make sure you don’t take it out on others. Find peaceful ways to release the tension. A demanding person may begin to tire you. Or you may prefer to simply withdraw from a relationship that’s turning toxic. Do what you need to preserve your inner peace. Energy levels may be low, so make sure you’re eating right and resting lots. An important decision takes longer than anticipated. Doesn’t mean good things aren’t happening, it just means, for now, you have to wait. A good week for writers, researchers and self-employed Ariens, you can use this time to work on something memorable.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Sometimes we have no option but to make a choice. Though neither side looks great, we know we have to decide. Weigh all the pros and cons. Get some advice from a professional. And go with your gut. At work, someone’s games may seem endless, but for now it would be wise not to confront them and just play along until the time is right. Finding a work-life balance will be important in the days ahead as family matters may require more and more of your time. A sibling may need to act reasonably. And children may need a lot more direction. Money matters show a growing sense of security. And you could make plans to upgrade to a bigger house or upgrade your phone. Just remember not to take on other people’s baggage. There is only so much you can carry.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

When it comes to being honest, nobody says it like you do. A situation may arise where you will be absolutely direct with someone who may not like it, but will respect your judgement. A good week for students and jobseekers, people will sense and appreciate your sharp intellect and analytical abilities. Your determination to do things your way and get what you want is commendable. Just remember to look at all the facts before you make a decision. Or you could even find yourself playing matchmaker for a friend. A good period to sort out your paperwork and get a little more organised financially. You could even find a missing document or discover some money you’d forgotten about.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

A new idea is beginning to emerge. A part of you is ready for change and may start preparing for it. Others may wonder why you’re so pre-occupied with your thoughts. Or you may feel like withdrawing a little and just focussing on getting your plans down on paper. If it all gets too much, take a break, the cards advise. In matters of the heart, you may worry about the welfare of a loved one. Try not to control anyone at this point, or it could lead to a clash of wills. Feelings may be particularly sensitive right now, confrontations can turn into mini explosions. Money matters require you to be extra careful right now, so make sure you’ve read the financial statements and legal agreements absolutely carefully. Health matters show healing. Just watch your tendency to overthink things.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Your ambitions are fired. And a part of you no longer wants to stay where you are. Something in you compels you to reach higher, go bigger and level up. Work and money matters seem to dominate everything else in your life and nobody and nothing can stand in your way. Watch your tone while communicating with others. They may see you as a little too dominating for your liking and may not cooperate easily. A good phase begins to weed out all the negativity in your life, bad habits, addictions, toxic relationships. And you may stand up for yourself in a relationship or even give someone a piece of your mind. Success is yours for the taking, dear Leo. Just make sure you don’t trample on too many toes on your way up. Leave a little room for compassion and sensitivity.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

There’s a sense of harmony in the air. Interactions at work go smoothly and people pick up on your good vibes. Expect collaboration and cooperation when you start seeing things from the other person’s perspective. A long-standing project has the potential of concluding successfully. And a pitch or a negotiation leaves you feeling victorious. On the home front, a joyous occasion may be celebrated, or you rediscover feelings of love. Share, express and spread positive energy. The world needs more happiness now, and you know how to give it. A pleasant surprise awaits singles. And you may hear of some happy news in the mail.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Don’t take their behaviour personally. Their opinions are merely projections. Learn from feedback but don’t internalise everything they say. At the end of the day, you need to be answerable to yourself. Being a little proactive at work and in your relationships will bring a pleasant surprise. A good time to assert yourself, especially if your partner has been a little controlling for your liking. Take charge of your finances this week. Something may need to be sorted out. Something needs to be decluttered. A little more attention to your diet and exercise should boost energy levels.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

Don’t react, respond. Every response you have to another person will either build the connection or break it. Be mindful of your words, be sensitive to their needs. A touchy toe needs to be addressed gently and firmly. The Universe brings you an opportunity to change things for the better once and for all. But it isn’t going to happen overnight. Be patient with the process. And realise that small changes made consistently will deliver positive results. Singles may strengthen emotional bonds in this period with a special person. When you both understand that you want to grow together and learn from one another, commitment follows. And it could lead to wedding bells as well.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You can’t be loyal to someone who keeps hurting you again and again. Time to set a few boundaries and place your emotional needs first. Someone may provoke you or push your buttons to react explosively. Don’t fall for their bait and maintain your self-control. Changes could be expected in the work environment with new faces or new policies. New social connections made in this phase have the potential to be long-lasting and mutually enriching. Don’t say no to the invites and treat every soul as a teacher. If there’s anything to watch out for, it's overdoing things or pushing yourself to the extremes. Moderation is the key, dear Saggitarian. Figure it out and good things await.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan19)

If you’ve got your goals penned down, then this week is a breeze. A few hurdles ahead of you and then there’s success. Breathe a sigh of relief as a challenging situation comes to an end. Some problems sort themselves out if you leave them alone. And some may need to be confronted head on. Don’t be shy to confront someone or something. Misunderstandings can be cleared, and a new direction can open up. Even at home, you and your better half can reach an understanding after discussing the pros and cons. Spending time with children and pets brings joy and laughter. Just make sure to reach out to loved ones, they need your loving vibe.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You don’t want to be controlled by anyone or anything. And may feel tempted to break the rules. A part of you wants to splurge like there’s no tomorrow. Or put in your papers and disappear. Give yourself a few days before you act on your impulse. Distance brings clarity. And dialogue allows you to express your truth to someone who matters. Wonderful things will find their way to you, when you open your mind to possibilities and another point of view. A good week to reconnect with people who understand and love you, just the way you are. A reunion could bring a pleasant respite. Watch out for the recurrence of a minor health ailment. Make self-care a priority.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Stay focussed. Stay organised. You may feel tested. If you aren’t organised, the following few weeks could come as a storm, but if you’re prepared it should sail smoothly. Structure, planning, long term vision and delegation come to the forefront. Brainstorming sessions at work may take longer than anticipated but the end result will be so worth it. Keep an eye on your personal finances and if you’re on the lookout for a bargain, this week could bring a surprise or two. Travel plans get finalised. And a part of you is ready for the change. Look forward to some new friendships as well as a part of you out of your shell.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Published By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
Jan 7, 2024

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