Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 16-Th7-23 05:03

Weekly horoscope from July 16 to July 22: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (July 16 to July 22)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Stop looking to others for approval. Let go of their opinions. Time to realise that it’s you that you need to be most comfortable and secure with. Someone’s rude behaviour may not be about you but how they view the world. Someone’s silence doesn’t mean rejection. A self-reliant attitude takes you far both at work and in your relationships. At home, unspoken tensions can be cleared with honest discussions. But nobody seems to be ready for it now. How about just biding your time doing something else in the meantime? An expense or a responsibility begins to feel burdensome. A good week to spend time alone to reflect and recalibrate.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Slow down and don’t react. Take things one step at a time and a lot can be done. You discover someone is all talk and little action. Or something you had high hopes for turns out to be a total waste of time. At work, a difficult client may ask for the impossible or continue to complain and drain everyone’s energies. If you can’t tolerate it, take a break. Self-control especially with immature family members or friends helps tide through a tough moment. Watch out for moments of impulsiveness. An angry email or a lavish purchase could cause regret later. Stay away from those who gossip. You’ve got too much to do and too much to live for to be dragged down into petty issues.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Get in touch with your emotional side. The dreamy, creative, and imaginative soul that lives within you. Express yourself through art, writing, cooking, dance, whatever that once brought you joy. A new idea is brewing. And this phase is especially lucky for Geminis who are in the creative or performing arts. An unexpected and pleasant surprise makes your day, and you suddenly feel re-energised and ready for more good things. Singles can look forward to the affections of a sensitive young soul. If moments of doubt creep in, ignore them. The cards assure you that you are on the right path.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Life is asking you to take a leap of faith and take a risk. Not a time to fear the future but, rather to embrace the possibilities if things work out in your favour. Cancerians seeking to change industries, explore new businesses or even go in for a makeover will be pleasantly surprised at the responses. Just a word of caution, make sure you’ve done your research first and don’t fall for ‘get rich quick’ schemes or smooth-talking fraudsters. Relationships run smoothly and at home, there may be preparations for a family event or gathering which promises joy and laughter. Young children, pets and spending time outdoors rejuvenates your soul.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Focus on yourself for a change. Do what makes you happy instead of constantly caring for everyone else. If someone’s not getting the hint perhaps it’s time to give up and move on. When you realise that happiness is an inside job, you slowly stop expecting others to do as much as you do for them. Dissatisfaction or stagnation at the workplace may make you seek other options. Or even consider being self-employed for a while. Students may need a little motivation especially if they are struggling with a certain subject or teacher. In money matters be extra patient with the process, returns may take longer than expected. Sticking to a nightly routine helps improve sleep.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Wisdom comes when you learn to control your emotions and slowly start seeing things from someone else’s point of view. A compassionate and sensitive approach may be required when dealing with volatile co-workers and family members. Stress levels around you may be high so maintain calm and this phase shall pass. An older male offers support and guidance that proves to be valuable. A better work-life balance may be required, too much work and no play could lead to crankiness and impatience. Health matters remain manageable, just make sure you destress yourself on a daily basis.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Tensions cease. Misunderstandings clear up. And there’s a sense of peace coming back in. The worst is over for now, and it may be time to just roll up your sleeves and focus on the tasks at hand. Someone’s dishonesty may be revealed, or you discover a lie you’ve been living with. No point in holding on to regret, the past is over and it’s time to make a fresh start. Healthwise, if you’ve been struggling with a recurring ailment or allergies, expect a resolution or a change for the better but only after you make a sacrifice. Plans may be finalised to upgrade your phone, car or even move to a bigger home.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

So much to do so little desire to do it. Feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction may prevent you from giving your 100% at work. The chores seem to pile up, and the demands on your time may seem endless. Time to prioritise and time to delegate. Even at home, things feel very mundane and predictable. You may plan a makeover or choose to renovate your home. Just make sure you and your better half agree. Money matters look good as you discover your investments have grown with time and patience.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Keep moving forward. The past is long gone. And it may be pointless to spend so much time worrying about bygones. Cherish the memories and bless the souls who made your life meaningful, but also think of moving on. Singles may decide to finally let go and restart their lives. A job opportunity or business lead may come from an unexpected source. Or you discover a hidden talent that’s worth tapping. Watch out for sleepless nights and over-exertion. A bad habit can be released once and for all and replaced with a healthier, more positive one.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

It’s all about the money in the days ahead. Business plans could get crystallised. Or you decide to go into partnership with someone you’ve known for a while. Investments pay off. And increments look promising. In matters of the heart expect a sense of security and permanence with your significant other. And you may decide to buy a home together. An engagement could be announced soon. Whatever it is, enjoy this phase of harmony and stability as the universe smiles down on you. It’s your positive attitude which will always help you in your toughest moments. Health matters show recovery and the possibility of some good news as well. Enjoy this phase while it lasts, only you know how hard you’ve worked to earn it.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Time for a little restraint. Perhaps you’ve given too much of your time and energy to something that wasn’t fruitful. Or spent way more than you wanted to. Or showered someone with too much attention. Hold back, wait for energies to settle and then decide where you want to go next. At the workplace you may feel you aren’t getting due credit for your efforts, and there is a possibility of a high-level meeting coming up which could spell changes for all in the team. Watch people’s actions, they’ll tell you everything you need to know about them. A demanding family member may need to be distanced from until you figure things out.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

The steps you take now will have repercussions in the long run. Think carefully about the consequences of any of your words and actions and decisions right now. Maintain your long term vision, and if you can’t see that far ahead, ask someone to help you. Travel plans may be delayed for a bit. Sudden change in plans could cause temporary stress both at work and at home, but the more resilient you are, the better things will be. Alternative therapies bring relief in a recurring health condition.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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