Horoscopes - Thứ 2, 03-Th7-23 13:21

Weekly horoscope from July 2 to July 8: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (July 2 to July 8)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

It is only by releasing the old that you can make way for the new. Perhaps you are holding on too tightly to an idea or a situation that needs to be released in order for better things to come your way. Take stock of your life and let go of the unnecessary and the toxic. Professionally, there may be a new role or responsibility that opens up new doors for you. Or you could find yourself getting an offer from an upcoming industry. And in matters of the heart, if they aren’t making time or the effort for you, perhaps it’s time to let them go. A new diet or exercise regime starts showing results.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Time to review and reorganise your current practices and lifestyle. Bring in the necessary changes in your habits, and improve your time management. Good things come to those who have control over their selves and are organised. A relationship may require you to make some adjustments. Two equally strong-minded people need one person to be silent a little and to give in rather than need to be right every time.. Meditation and time spent in self reflection allows you to de-stress and prepare for busy days ahead. Travel plans could go haywire. A missing valuable could be found.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Stay optimistic and don’t give up so easily. A positive mindset will help you sail through the most challenging of situations. When you focus on the abundance that surrounds you, you attract more. Clarity, assertiveness and hope are your keywords. At the workplace, ask for what you need, or have a meeting about expectations, and if someone needs to cheer up, you can only motivate them like no other. Even with friends and family, don’t believe your critics, just do what you believe in and know that you’re on the right path. Someone from the past may reach out for a quick hello and goodbye.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

As energies shift, be alert for opportunities, messages and signs the Universe sends your way. Not a time to procrastinate or debate the pros and cons, if something good appears, grab it right away. At work, you may be ready for a fresh start and may consider scouting around for new job or business opportunities. Friendships made in this phase may be with people who are totally not your usual type, but so exciting and different. Plans may be made for a holiday to a destination you’ve never been before, or trying out a new adventure sport. Don’t stop yourself now.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

How about some self-care? If you’ve been pushing yourself too much in the recent past, or just running around caring for others, the cards urge you to pause and think about yourself and your needs. Take a break to recharge your batteries. Say a clear no to those who are simply using you. Or just disappear for a few days and pamper yourself. Mother figures come into prominence and you may spend more time thinking about a family problem. Relax, it will get sorted in time. But for now, make it all about you.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Don’t let your own fear of failure stop you from taking a risk or being bold and adventurous. A recent mistake needs you to learn from it and not hold on to the memory. A good week to seek out the guidance of a mentor or guide in career matters, especially if you’ve been feeling stagnant of late. Loved ones need more attention or you may find yourself concerned about the future of a young soul. Perhaps a heart to heart chat will clear things up. Money matters show slow and steady growth, and you find your investments begin to pay off. A good phase to think about moving to a bigger home or upgrading your car.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Money could come from an unexpected source. A favour is returned. If there’s anything to watch out for, it’s sudden disagreements and conflicts. Someone may be looking for a fight, or may just act difficult and try and drag you into their mess. Stay neutral or just walk away from any politics at work. And watch what you say to certain people. Too many late nights or too many work trips may take a toll on your health, so ensure you’re eating right and resting enough.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Take charge of a situation. Show them who’s the boss, but make sure you are clear about your motivations while assuming this position. Think big picture, think about everyone in the team -any ego issues will be revealed. You may find yourself in the spotlight. Or receiving a lot of praise and admiration for your work. Scorpions in the media, entertainment or even Public Service can expect accolades in the weeks ahead. Alliances, professional and personal could happen, so if single and looking, there may be wedding bells soon.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Time to take stock of where you have been, where your choices have led you, and where you want to go. Explore possibilities and listen to your instincts about a promising business opportunity. International collaborations are favoured. A strategy may need to be reworked. Or you could find yourself redecorating your home or office. It’s all about change, and change for the better. Friends and family continue to support you unconditionally, but the one who you most want to hear from, remains quiet. A good week to reflect, rework and rethink your path ahead.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Strive for balance. Look at both sides of the issue before making a decision. Identify areas in your life, be it work, home, personal life that may be getting too little or too much of your time and change things for the better. Overindulging in too much food and drink may upset your health. If dragged into someone else’s controversy, it would be wise to take a neutral stand. Money matters may need a little sorting out, especially if you find yourself exceeding your budget.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Get in touch with your emotional side. Express your feelings. And understand the healing power of love. An old resentment may need to be released, setting you free to enjoy happier experiences in the days ahead. Listen to what your heart is telling you when it comes to making a choice. Someone may be in love with you, but are you ready to love again? Trust the flow of energy. A good week for settling old accounts. And looking forward to gains in the following months.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Time for a digital detox and to start eating clean again. A good week to make a fresh new start and implement some good habits in your daily routine. At work, you may feel like nothing’s happening, but if you wait a little longer, plans may be revealed. Expect more responsibilities and even rewards in the months ahead. If you haven’t been socialising lately, you may like to connect with some old friends to catch up. Open yourself up to the changing energies and prepare to manifest a new relationship.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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