Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 30-Th7-23 08:40

Weekly horoscope from July 30 to August 5: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week (July 30 to August 5)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

By Mita Bhan: Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The focus this week is on bringing back a sense of harmony by doing all the things you love or focussing on self-care. Or in your relationships with others, clearing misunderstandings, expressing feelings and working with a spirit of cooperation and teamwork as well. You may reach out to old familiar people, or revisit your favourite haunts or even indulge in a hobby or activity that brought you joy in your younger years. Bonds of marriage are strengthened and singles could find themselves closer to finding the one. Money anxieties ease as you realise the insecurity you feel at times may be exaggerated and not reflective of true states. Appreciate your blessings and more comes your way.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

When you overcommit yourself, everything begins to feel like a chore. Other people’s demands may drain you. Or you could find yourself multi-tasking. Doing more for everyone else and neglecting you’re own needs and an ever-growing job list. Time to take a reality check, define goals and boundaries. Work matters may have some moments of tension and a little diplomacy should help ease the growing discontent in the team. Family matters could be strained as you begin to feel taken for granted by an older woman. Money matters may require extra paperwork or longer queues as you wait for a sanction or approval. Take things one step at a time and this too shall pass.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Mind over matter and no time for emotions seem to be your theme for the days ahead. Time could be spent on meetings, analyses, planning, and strategies. A new plan may be in the horizon, one which will benefit many. But there’s still so much to do and so little time. Your strong sense of ethics and honesty will win you the respect of your peers and customers. Family matters may be quiet for now, but a certain someone may need a little attention or pampering so do remember to stay in touch. One tip, don’t take your health for granted, minor changes in your diet and daily routine deliver beneficial results

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re a natural when it comes to caring for others and doing things out of kindness compassion. Your maturity and good-hearted ways win you followers and fans. You may find yourself playing the role of advisor to a troubled soul. Or even a matchmaker as you get two eligible singles together. Enjoy this phase as more and more people recognise your good heart and appreciate all that you do for them. Remain optimistic in money matters and in matters of health, make sure you don’t overindulge too much.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

You’re eager to get ahead and you’re eager to learn something new. Don’t hold back now as the cards indicate all forms of knowledge will be beneficial. Sign up for an online class. Attend a workshop. Buy a book. Study again in whatever subject that draws you. Self-employed Leos start showing progress as the money starts coming in small chunks. Remember to stay practical and not get lured into false promises of overnight success and miraculous healing. A school or university reunion may be planned as you get together with old classmates and discuss the good old days.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

The more established you become the more you release old fears, doubts and anxieties. New found confidence takes place and the days ahead sees you planning for the future. Decisions made now will bear fruit in the long term, and you may take the advice of a trusted soul or mentor. Even on the personal front, engagements, marriages and the announcement of the birth of a child are imminent. You’re slowly discovering your place in the spotlight whether you want it or not. Health matters show steady healing and renewed energy.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

If you want to receive you need to learn how to give. Being generous now with your time and energy with acts of good karma are recommended. Share credit to those who’ve worked for it. Or give a shoutout to those who impress you. Donate, give back and do it with no expectation. That’s when true blessings come your way. At work, you may have to deal with a difficult co-worker or customer who won’t be satisfied until you give them more attention and truly understand their problem. Old injuries may resurface in the form of a nagging ache and timely treatment will be effective. A patient approach with money is necessary.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Perhaps you don’t feel like socialising much. Or you choose not to attend an event. Solo time seems to be on your mind as you heal, recalibrate and recover from a busy phase. A good week to detox from bad habits the universe is giving you a chance to make a new beginning. Decide what you want to let go of, and look forward to fresh and exciting energies. Children may need a little handholding or patient direction rather than your critiques. Be mindful of the way you sound to others. Investments and real estate show a time of steady progress.

Sagitarrius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

If you don’t like something change it. If you’re beginning to feel stagnant and stifled in your career, do something to make it better or think about alternatives. Seize any opportunity before it fizzles out. Overanalyzing leads to zero answers. Simplify, streamline, and focus on only what truly matters to your heart. A good week to clear accounts and settle longstanding debts. Money that was owed to you can be returned. A relationship that had potential may suddenly go quiet or you get second thoughts about someone. Listen to your gut feelings. They’re telling you everything you need to know.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

You want to be your own boss. Or you start planning to go solo. It could be launching your own start-up, or becoming a consultant, or on the personal front, walking away from a relationship that you can no longer tolerate. Whatever you choose, remember the larger picture and the long-term implications. Business discussions bring clarity, and an old colleague may reach out to you for work ideas. While communicating with others, remember to listen to everyone’s perspective, you may not always be right. If planning to move home or buy new properties, this phase promises advances in the right direction.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

True security comes from within. And has little to do with your designation, your salary, the car you drive, or the brands you wear. Being too possessive over people, places and things does have its consequences to face. Open your mind and relax in the moment. Time to go with the flow and trust the Universe has good things in store for you but first let go of whatever it is that holds you in the past. A chance encounter with a sparkling stranger could lead to a new romance. Or you could find yourself thinking about someone who’s not your usual type. Travel plans to meet friends and family could be finalised in the weeks ahead.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Enjoy the present moment. Rejoice in the satisfaction of a job well done. Your hard work has created a strong foundation for long-term success and glory. People will soon pick up on your optimistic vibe and be drawn to your energy. Work matters show increasing responsibilities but also a chance to rise up the ladder. Connecting with like-minded souls brings a different kind of motivation. You may hear some good news in the mail. Or attend a celebration. Health matters remain manageable, watch out for sudden allergies.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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