Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 12-Th11-23 09:05

Weekly horoscope from November 12 to November 18: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week November 12 to November 18? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’ve spent many months building a structure and process and now can begin to look forward to a period of stability after a long time. Just stay grounded. Take frequent reality checks. And don’t expect others to follow. The more self-reliant you remain, the better things get. At work, a colleague may show their true motivations or play a few games with the team. Rise above the petty motivations of others and just do your thing. Financially, a period of reward begins as money troubles begin to ease and another stream of income opens up. Spending time outdoors or in nature heals your soul and gets you ready for some important life changes that are coming up in the following months.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Trust your gut about someone or something. Your instincts are sharp and you may be getting a feeling which should not be ignored. Someone may be dishonest to your face, or you discover that you cannot trust a person blindly. You may choose to distance yourself from a toxic relationship. Or even make up your mind about leaving your job. Go with the flow for now and don’t make any impulsive decisions. Energies are forming at the moment and soon, you’ll know the right time to take the right step. Health matters may need a second opinion, or you may consider alternative therapies to supplement treatment.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

You get the energy you put out. The law of attraction comes into play. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions. And set clear intentions about how you want to do things. At work, you may need to clarify something or work towards simplifying things for the rest of the team. Not everyone has your intellect, and it’s time for you to connect with a larger audience. Family matters will go smoothly as reunions bring love and laughter your way. You may go on a holiday with friends or attend a large social event or celebration. Don’t be surprised at the amount of attention you receive either. You’re at your magnetic best now, and singles may find themselves busier than ever.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Speak out. Take a stand. Express what you feel. Don’t let anyone bully you at this point. At work, you may have to deal with opposition or some unnecessary criticism. And the last thing you should do is take it, especially if it’s not justified. You are gradually entering a period of change and challenge and you will be required to think on your feet and not allow doubts to creep in. The more confident and self-assured you are now, the better things will get. At home, a loved one may act difficult or moody or you may discover a family member has been saying things behind your back. Talk to them about it and don’t take anything lying down. Bring out your inner warrior if you have to. Money matters may be delayed, but if you don’t ask for what you deserve, how will you receive it?

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Bring back the balance. If you’re in a job that requires you to sit for long hours, how about walking and exercising again? If you’ve been indulging too much in rich food, how about a detox? Only you know what you need. Work matters will go smoothly and you may even enjoy a celebration with colleagues. On the domestic front, plans could get finalised about real estate, buying, selling or even shifting homes may happen in the upcoming weeks. Prepare yourself for a lot of running around. The health of an elderly person needs extra attention. Watch out for splurging on things you don’t need.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

This may be a time of transition. The old ways no longer apply and the new ways have yet to form. You may feel moody and lethargic one moment and highly enthusiastic and energetic in another. Don’t do anything impulsively right now and wait for answers to reveal themselves before jumping to conclusions. Denying the changes that are taking place around you will only slow down your growth, so do remain open-minded and receptive to new ideas and the change in the behaviour of others. You may discover who was true to you and who was simply faking it. Payment that was owed to you will be returned. And any pending legal matters or paperwork have the potential of concluding favourably. Remain optimistic but also realistic.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

You can no longer cling to old beliefs and ideas. You may find yourself challenged to adapt to certain changes at the workplace. Or be flexible in your thinking when it comes to your customers. Upgrades are possible now as you discover new technology or choose to go in for a total revamp. In matters of the heart, it’s best to compromise for now, especially if the other person is being a little stubborn. Just remember to stay open to sudden changes in plans. Expect last minute changes and even delays. Money matters look good and you may consider making investments for long-term gains.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Perhaps you feel like sticking to the tried and trusted at this time, or even drawn to history and tradition. The cards indicate you will be looking to the past for a deeper understanding of yourself. Or even enrolling in some form of study in the weeks ahead. A great period for students looking to pursue higher studies, senior Scorpions may even take on a mentoring role. Family matters may seem quiet as everyone’s busy doing their own thing. You may remember the wisdom of an elder. And you may consider downsizing your living space or quitting a bad habit for good.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

If life’s been too stale lately, what can you do differently? You may feel bored with the old crowd. Or tired of your workplace. A part of you is itching for some excitement. And you may be in the mood for taking a few bold risks. Time to think about your bucket list. Or if you’re ready, launch your own start-up or label. Don’t listen to the critics, do what you feel is right. And in the long run, you’re going to be glad you did it. Younger women remind you of something you may have forgotten. A joyful family event brings laughter and a pleasant surprise. Money matters show stability. You’ve worked hard to be where you are. Now enjoy it.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Don’t pause now. Don’t quit. Don’t second-guess yourself. Just keep going. You’re on the right track and anything that comes your way is only here to test you, not stop you. You’ve set your goals and now is the time to take things one day at a time and make progress. Job seekers can make the right impression. And if you were looking to switch careers, there is no better time than now to get going in the direction you choose. At home, it may be a different story altogether, as misunderstandings and arguments occur with friends and family members over the smallest of matters. If it’s you who’s at fault for starting it, say sorry and mend fences. Problems related to poor posture and digestion may trouble you, but with timely treatment, healing is assured.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You may find yourself more sensitive than usual. Sleep patterns may be disturbed. And your dreams may be vivid and revelatory about a lot that’s going on behind the scenes. Allergies may resurface if you aren’t careful. You could find yourself tiptoeing around a moody and explosive person. While work matters seem sorted, try organising the home front. Reaching out to old friends and family strengthens bonds. For singles, any new connection made now could have a long-term impact. A friend for life or something more. Love is around the corner.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Take it easy. Some things are beyond your control. Step back and look at things objectively. If in a fix, ask for support and you may be in for a pleasant surprise as someone demonstrates loyalty. Your father’s wisdom proves valuable. At work, your devotion earns you the respect and love of your team. Middle-aged Pisceans need to pay attention to their body signals and bring changes to their lifestyle. Businesses require a more mature approach, especially in work relationships and commitments. An old friend or loved one may reconnect to share some news. Meditation and introspection bring you the answers you seek.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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Published On:
Nov 12, 2023

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