Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 29-Th10-23 07:20

Weekly horoscope from October 29 to November 4: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week from October 29 to November 4? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Don’t do anything on impulse. The time isn’t right. And it would be wise to pause and take stock. Energies just haven’t formed enough momentum yet for you to put your plans in motion, get heard or make physical changes. It’s better to be practical and patient and the cards advise and wait for the exact moment when you intuitively know it’s time to forge ahead with mercurial speed. Frustration at work doesn’t mean it will last forever. Treat it as a phase and focus on something else for now. An online friendship could turn into something serious in real time. Just make sure you’re managing your health well.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Why are you allowing small things to stress you out? The card of anxiety, stress and irritation comes as a reminder that before any chapter begins in our life, we have to go through periods of turmoil and volatility. Stay calm no matter what, and find ways to relax consciously. A new beginning is at hand, but first you have to find peace within. Major changes may be up ahead in this phase and knowing you, it will go smoothly. Women in the family may act too dominating for you or you may need to distance yourself from someone who takes far more than they give back. A good week to reassess and most importantly de-stress and get ready for an exciting new phase that’s about to begin.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

The cup of love overflows for you this season. Could it be the birth of a child? Or the birth of a creative project? Someone you’ve just met? Or just an incident that will bring you tremendous love. Whatever it is, expect joy, radiance, love and rewards during this period. Enjoy it while it lasts, and don’t forget to the good cheer around. If work has been boring of late, you may start looking for a new job or business opportunities. And whatever you do, will be successful in the long run, provided you are patient with the process. Health matters sees you try out a new therapy, one that’s going to help you in the long run. Just don’t overdo things.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

If you suddenly find yourself acting with more awareness and taking decisions more intuitively, don’t be surprised. The card of inner voice and guidance reminds you that all the answers you need are within you. Always remember you know what’s best for you, and everything you do or say or choose will be right for you. At work you may have to deal with additional responsibilities or find that your team really isn’t pushing themselves at all. At home, enjoy a phase of peace while everyone goes about doing their own thing and leaves you to rest. A long-awaited mail or parcel should bring some relief.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

It's time to be compassionate. Acts of sheer generosity. Acts of caring for the community. Acts of caring for the street animals. Kind words, actions and support in difficult times. Going beyond yourself to offer help, support, encouragement, a hand helps in bringing in a sense of wellbeing. The more you do, the more you will receive. An old friend may reach out for a favour. Or someone at the workplace could benefit from your experience. A family member just needs you to hold their hand and listen. An increment or promotion may be on the way. Or you discover some money that you’d forgotten about. Enjoy this phase dear Leo, you deserve it.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

For every shadow there’s a ray of light. For every tear drop shed there’s a smile. You’ve understood the cycles of highs and lows and learnt that nothing lasts. A part of you is ready to achieve something significant. And nobody can stop you but your own thoughts. A family event or celebration may turn out to be a lot more complex than you thought as you grapple with other people's egos. Just do what you have to. And remember to stay true to yourself. A pleasant surprise may come by mail or in person.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Crossroads come for a reason. Choosing between a new career path or the tried and tested. Deciding to detach yourself from a toxic relationship. The answers will unfold. And you’ll be glad you took the right path. You are planting the seeds for a new chapter in your life and whatever you decide, will work out. A longstanding dispute gets sorted. And if you were planning to host an event or celebration, you could find yourself busy with the preparation and planning. Just don’t overdo things, especially in health matters.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)

Solitude and introspection have their advantages. You’re able to think of life from a broader angle now and understand relationships a little better. Honesty towards self and others is the best policy to prevent a misunderstanding. You may refuse invitations or choose to stay quiet. Long-term planning for career and finances is favoured now, so use the time to think about the coming years. Even in your personal life, you prefer the quiet moments or choose to take a break from active socialising. Health matters require a total overhaul in your lifestyle. What can you do differently?

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

As you discover the lies you’ve been living with, a part of you may no longer wish to associate with those who’ve used you or deceived you. You may realise a larger purpose to your life and associate yourself with a cause. A part of your soul is waking up and time spent meditating or introspecting will open up doorways for you. Businesses may go in for an upgrade, or you could find yourself busy building a new team to take you towards greater success. Just make sure your money matters are in place before making a large commitment. Health shows renewed energy and a deeper understanding of your own self.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan19)

There’s a growing feeling that you’re not being treated fairly and not getting your due and it may begin to start bothering you, especially at work. Understand yourself better and realize there will always be people who are jealous of you because you have something they don’t. You may have to deal with someone who’s overly competitive or constantly tries to put you down. Just don’t react and focus on all the things you need to do. Advice from an older woman proves beneficial and you have the foresight to plan ahead. In money matters, progress is seen as a you either repay an old loan. Or finally get your savings in order. Health matters show recovery but extra care will be required from now on.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Tough times make tough people. Speak up more assertively and do not be afraid of taking risks. Listen fully to other points of view and realize everyone is facing problems in their own lives at some level or another. Changes are indicated in your life over the next 6 months. You may consider a change of location, industry or designation. Challenges are revealed by way of coworkers and sudden obstacles which are not to be viewed negatively but as learning opportunities for you to grow from. Personally, some unfinished karma with people from your past may require you to be more mindful of karma and its consequences. Alternative therapies bring slow but sure relief to a long-standing ailment.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Set clear goals, lay down your strategy, explore options and network extensively. You may link up with powerful people or get into alliances with large, established organizations. Networking will be highly beneficial for you. You may be offered partnership with someone or may consider tying up with another individual. In the personal and spiritual sphere, this is a wonderful time to renew yourself and realize God does work in mysterious ways. You may make a connection with a gentle, sensitive soul who understands you in a way no one else has to now.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

Edited By:
Shweta Kumari
Published On:
Oct 29, 2023

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