Horoscopes - Chủ nhật, 10-Th9-23 16:07

Weekly horoscope from September 10 to September 16: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

What does your luck look like this week September 10 to September 16? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here's what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Moderation and balance are your keywords for the week ahead. Too much or too little of something may play havoc with your mental, emotional and physical state. Self-discipline and returning to a routine will go a long way. You may find that your energy levels fluctuate with the amount of work you have to do. Self-employed Ariens can expect busy days after a quiet spell. And students may need to work a lot harder if they want a better grade. Make sure you’re sleeping well and taking breaks from too much screen time. Too many late nights may take their toll on your health.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Energy levels are high. And you’re determined to get a lot done in this phase. Not everyone around you will be happy though. So you may need to motivate the team, or enlist the support of others. A new project, presentation or idea can be launched. Or you could decide to change your strategy totally. Decisions will be made on the spot and you may even be a little reckless or impulsive. Married couples can look forward to exciting new announcements in the days ahead. A baby could be on its way, or a move is planned. Watch out for splurging on things you don’t really need.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Stop worrying about the future and focus on how you can make the present moment better. Allowing yourself to run away with your imagination may lead to overthinking, confusion and even hold you back. Time to open your mind to new experiences and new people. This energy favours job change, relocation, migration or at a core level a change in consciousness. Just don’t listen to your negative thoughts and your critics and keep moving forward. A relationship may feel restricted as someone tries to control or dominate you. Or you may feel the need to forgive someone and move on with your life. Health matters require a gentle and patient approach.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Progress is visible. You slowly start to see the fruits of your labour. An obstacle is overcome. And you realise that at the end of the day, what matters is how you feel about yourself. A lot can be accomplished as long as you keep your eye on the goals. Getting distracted or tired half way wont help. The cards urge you to keep going, despite the challenges you face. A sharp-tongued man may need to be silenced. Or you may have to defend your views to someone who disapproves. Business travel works out to be fruitful. And you may plan more meetings. Financially things are moving in the direction you want. You’re on the right track. Just keep going.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

The more you focus on the blessings and abundance that surrounds you, the more secure and stable your life will be. Your inner confidence is high and no one can take that away from you. At work, you win the favour of your bosses and the respect of your team who recognise your value. And while you bask in their appreciation and compliments, don’t forget there is still a lot more to be done. Money matters start looking up. An old investment increases in value and you may work towards building financial wealth in the months ahead. Relationships seem sorted for now, things are going as expected. Just remember to express your feelings more with loved ones. Take no one and nothing for granted.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Be a little cautious in the days ahead. Take no one at face value. Carefully assess things and prepare yourself for sudden delays and obstacles. An old rival may reappear to settle the score. Or you could discover an old friend was actually competing with you all this while. The more you stick to the old ways, the more you will be forced to change. Job seekers and businesses may need to adopt a “wait and watch” policy for energies to form. Energy levels may be down so make sure you’re resting enough and eating right. Spiritual practices and meditation bring the peace you seek. This testing phase will pass.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

The rebellious side of you is itching to break away from the routine and responsibility. You may feel like escaping for a while. Or doing something adventurous and exciting. Even at work, you may break a rule or two. Or challenge the authorities. Just watch your words and be mindful of other people’s feelings. On the personal front, a strong physical attraction may make you believe they are the one. Take your time before you commit, someone may not be showing you everything right now. Health matters are good and old ailments show steady recovery.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Time to shift focus from your own needs, to that of those around you. Focus on the team requirements. Listen to what isn’t being said. Be a little more compassionate to the underdog. And support your loved ones with words of encouragement and reassurance. A decision may be needed to made and delaying it could only add to the stress levels. Showing your impatience to minor inconveniences helps no one as the Universe may want you to learn the valuable lesson of patience and selfless giving. Acts of charity and voluntary work bring hidden blessings your way. And if you’ve been thinking of starting a self-care routine, don’t procrastinate.

Saggittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Don’t run away with your imagination. And don’t believe every thought. Sleep patterns may go haywire. Or the workload at office suddenly triples. Someone’s words may lead you to be confused and anxious about their motives. Best to address it head-on and clear up any misunderstandings. Creativity levels may be high and writers, artists and those in the performing arts may come up with some wonderful ideas in this phase. Just remember to stay grounded now and then. Frequent reality checks and a practical approach will help you tide through the cloudiness. Money matters may be delayed but after a few reminders you should get what is owed to you.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Time to learn something new. You’re ready to upgrade your skills. Or catch up on a hobby you once pursued. Students and job seekers could find this phase quite stimulating intellectually as you encounter a subject that really excites you. At a deep level, you may discover you are living your life’s purpose, or close on its path. Your persistence and hard work delivers results and you may start feeling more motivated to push yourself into trying something new. A friend may ask for a favour, or wish to borrow money. Children may require a little hand-holding and guidance. Be the person you needed when you were younger.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Be assertive. Keeping quiet now and you may lose out. If someone or something has disappointed you, speak out about it. Ask for what you deserve and don’t take No for an answer. A clear direction is emerging. Your gut feel has been telling you something, stop treating it as your imagination and pay attention to the message. Now’s not the time to blindly follow others, but to do what you feel is right for yourself. Personally a period of independence begins. And you may work towards resetting the equations with family and friends who’d been taking you for granted. Meditation and alternative therapies offer the solace you may need.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Fortune favours the brave and the diligent. And you could find yourself attracting quite a bit of good luck your way. Work matters and business pick up. And you may consider another stream of income as well. Just go with the flow and don’t stop now. Prepare to do quite a bit of multi-tasking as you manage work, home and family responsibilities. Self-reliance will be the key to your long-term success. And the more you can take accountability for yourself, the better things will get in the long run. Be mindful about health. You’re going to need your battery going for a while now.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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Published On:
Sep 10, 2023

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