Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 08:59

A 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love

Self love and acceptance is one of the most important, foundational aspects of having a healthy psyche, and yet, it’s one of the most difficult abilities to master.

Self love and acceptance is one of the most important, foundational aspects of having a healthy psyche, and yet, it’s one of the most difficult abilities to master. Without being able to care and accept yourself as you truly are - with all your humanity and flaws, it’s hard to develop meaningful relationships with others. You may find yourself judging your own actions unfairly, blaming yourself for things that you have no control over, or questioning your own beliefs and values when challenged.

If you’ve had a traumatic upbringing or experience, the effort to develop the kind of peaceful relationship with your own identity can be a lifelong task.

Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.

Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

And just like the love between yourself and another person, it is not a feeling - but instead, something that needs to be cultivated. Just for clarity’s sake, we’re not talking about the kind of self love that is superficial and for the sake of elevating of your own ego, but we’re talking about true self acceptance and knowledge.

Here’s a few ways that you can use tarot cards for developing that kind of self-love and self-acceptance that truly gives you freedom and joy.

How to Use This 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love

So how can we start to cultivate self love? Tarot has a special talent for being able to echo the parts of our unconscious that doesn’t always have a voice. By working through the languages of images and archetypes of the unconscious, they can often communicate that which we truly need to know.

The following 6 card tarot spread is meant to highlight the best and most lovable parts of yourself, perhaps parts of yourself that you don’t even see when you’re too busy judging your own actions.  And sometimes, you need another person, or an outside source to remind you of those qualities, and tarot is the perfect mirror.

A 6 Card Tarot Spread for Self Love

  1. What makes you amazing?
  2. What is a past accomplishment you can be proud of?
  3. What do you bring to others?
  4. What are you skilled / talented at?
  5. Why are you feeling down about yourself?
  6. How should you show yourself love?

And that’s it! We hope this 6 card tarot spread helps you find peace. So now we want to hear from you - what other things do you all do to cultivate self love? Answer down below in our comments!

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