Tarot Learnings - Thứ 2, 23-Th5-22 15:57

Getting Answers About Your Job Hunt - A Job Tarot Spread

Looking for a new job is difficult. Whether you've recently been let go, or whether it's because where you are now just doesn't feel right anymore, jumping into the slush pile of notices, advertisements, agencies, and cover letter templates, can be a real drag.

Looking for a new job is difficult. Whether you've recently been let go, or whether it's because where you are now just doesn't feel right anymore, jumping into the slush pile of notices, advertisements, agencies, and cover letter templates, can be a real drag. There can often seem too many options to choose from when you are just getting started, and this can cause so many people to feel overwhelmed and lose confidence in their job search.

While those chores are unavoidable, we can find a little help from tarot cards. The daunting task of finding a new job can be made a bit simpler, and a tarot reading can maybe even show you possibilities that you have never imagined before. 

Here are a few ways you can utilize tarot cards to get the job you deserve. These ideas can serve you to construct your own job tarot spread, or you can scroll down to the end of this article to use the one we've already made for you.

Find Strengths and Weaknesses with a Job Tarot Spread

When done right, a job tarot reading can reveal exactly what you need to know to find the right job for you. The first thing you need to do, is find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Once you are aware of these, you will know what type of work you'd be talented at (and perhaps even enjoy!) and what ones will just never feel right for you. But don't stop there! Use the cards to find what makes you truly passionate - what makes getting out of bed in the morning not seem like a chore? The cards can help you see what will be the best choice for you, not just a filler job - but perhaps even your true calling and purpose.

Choosing Direction with a Job Tarot Spread

At times, there can be too many options out there today on where to find the right job for you. Should you go through your family and friends to get a proper recommendation? Is it easier to go through a recruitment agency and have them do all the work? Or do you spend all your time and energy slogging through internet database searches, filling out applications? You don't necessarily have to use all three when you are looking for something that suits you. Using the tarot cards effectively can mean the difference between wasting months and days of your time. A good job tarot reading can point you in the exact direction your new line of work is waiting in. 

Go Beyond Tarot Meanings

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Clarifying Obstacles and Illuminating Solutions with A Job Tarot Spread

    If you've been looking for a while now, and just don't feel like you are getting anywhere - don't fret - this is not uncommon, and tarot cards can help here too. A job tarot spread  can also reveal to you what obstacles and problems might be blocking your path, both within and without. Is there an internal barrier keeping you from realizing your career potential? Are you forgetting to consider a serious obstruction that will present itself later down the road? A reading can help clarify this for you.

    A Job Search Tarot Spread 

    And without further ado, here's a job tarot spread that we created just for your job hunt, trying to answer much of the areas we discussed earlier. Feel free to use this as a starting point for creating your own spread and tarot reading. 

    1. My attitude regarding job search - How are you approaching the job hunt right now? What preconceived expectations do you already have? How are they affecting you?
    2. What blocks me - What is the biggest obstacle, internal or external, that you must overcome in order to find the best career for you?
    3. My skills - What skills do I have to offer? Which ones am I using? What ones have I overlooked? Which ones should I emphasize?
    4. My secret weapon - What gives me an edge over other applicants? What is something that differentiates me and makes me special?
    5. What do I need to know about myself? - What is something that I first have to understand about my own motivations before being successful in this search?
    6. Advice going forward - What should I be focusing on? Where should I spend my energy?

    We hope that this article shows that the tarot can assist in all aspects of life, and when it comes to everyday problems, a good reading can give you the insight needed make the best of the path you are on. 

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