Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 09:19

Justice Tarot Card Meaning: Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck

Behind the figure of Justice is the concept that we reap what we sow; there is the idea of karmic law here. Our actions are being weighed and the decisions that you have made earlier will have a large bearing on what is to come.

The Justice Card in the Rider Waite Tarot

A woman dressed in red sits between two pillars, wielding a sword in the right hand and holding a balance in the other. Atop her head sits a crown of gold, representing a clear and rational mind that she needs to make decisions. It is important we think about the hands in which the objects she holds rests. The right hand is typically known as the active hand, and the left is the hand of intuition - thus, the Justice card executes what the intuition perceives, creating a balance between action and thought.

In this Post: Luminous Spirit Tarot

Holographic, minimalist deck. Companion app focused on moon phases included.

The Justice Tarot Card Meaning & Symbolism

Behind the figure of Justice is the concept that we reap what we sow; there is the idea of karmic law here. Our actions are being weighed and the decisions that you have made earlier will have a large bearing on what is to come. It is the simple idea of cause and effect. Thus, it is a warning to us all that we should seek truth and fairness in all our dealings, for if that is missing from our choices, we will suffer as a result. Perhaps your reading with this card indicates that you are in the midst of such a decision now. To have Justice show up means that we should consider our actions carefully, and go forward with truth.

Justice Personified

Traditionally, Justice is always depicted as female, equipped with both a sword and a scale, she measures our actions, and punishes and rewards accordingly. I personally chose to depict her in front of a person, who is tiny in comparison. She stands before him, ready to judge his actions. Her eyes are closed, indicating that she is blind to the worldly, though the third eye that is in her forehead is open. She judges based on sacred knowledge, and the ultimate truth.

Behind her, various pairs of eyes are watching, indicating that our actions can never be hidden from her, regardless of the ways we try and mask the truth.

The Justice Card in the Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck

The Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck is the second deck of my creation, after the Golden Thread Tarot. I've been posting bits and pieces of the artwork on Instagram, but I'm going to start logging my progress here with every piece of work that I do. Please follow along with me here on Labyrinthos Academy.

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