Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 09:49

Justice Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for Weighing Decisions and Actions

Explore the Justice major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread.  Since Justice is about fairness and objectivity, use this spread when you’re faced with a dilemma, and you are trying to do the right thing so that all parties are satisfied.

Summary of Justice Tarot Card Meaning

After the Fool acknowledges the role of chance, luck and cycles in the their life and the lives of others, they now take a closer look at their own actions. They begin to recognize cause and effect, and how whole lives can be changed with decisions, systems and ideologies that are out of one’s control. Knowing this, the heavy responsibility of the Fool’s own choices weigh on them. The Fool learns to take accountability; they can no longer make decisions that are centered solely around their own personal well-being. Justice represents the Fool’s moral awakening.

Light: Objectivity, fairness, justice, truth
Shadow: Unfairness, imbalance, irresponsibility, falsehood

To learn more, read the full Justice tarot card meaning.

When to Use This Tarot Spread

  • When you’re faced with a dilemma, and you are trying to do the right thing so that all parties are satisfied.
  • When you are trying balance the needs of yourself and others.

Justice Tarot Card Spread

  1. Your Needs - What is your desired outcome? What do you want out of this?
  2. Their Needs - What is their desired outcome? What do they want out of this?
  3. Path 1: Rewards - What is there to be gained if I do what I want? What are some positive results?
  4. Path 1: Consequences - What are some possible negative results of doing what I want? How do I inadvertently harm?
  5. Path 2: Rewards - What is there to be gained if I do what they want? What are some positive results?
  6. Path 2: Consequences - What are some possible negative results of doing what they want? How do I inadvertently harm?
  7. Balance - How do I find a middle path? What does the middle path look like?
  8. Advice: Act - Where can I put more effort? How can I best use my energy? What is the most beneficial use of my energy?
  9. Advice: Retreat - What can I let go of? Where in my life is it better for me to step aside?


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