Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 09:34

The Sun Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for Illumination

Explore the Sun major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Since the Sun is about success, celebration and joy, use this spread when you need a reminder of good things in your life, or of the good things that you bring others.

Summary of the Sun Tarot Card Meaning

The dawn finally arrives, bringing our weary Fool a much needed relief. Never before have they ever appreciated the sun’s rays as much as they do now. They face life with a renewed vigor. They appreciate the small happinesses that they find during their day; a leaf dancing in the wind, the sound of the babbling brook by the hill, the warmth of the sun on their skin. Everything radiates life, the Fool included. This newfound appreciation is contagious; by radiating warmth, contentedness and peace, so too does the Fool bring that same joy to the people they meet along the way.

Light: Success, joy, truth, celebration, optimism
Shadow: Sadness, negativity, unclarity

To learn more, read the full Sun tarot card meaning.

When to Use This Tarot Spread

  • When you are feeling disconnected to your own self-worth.
  • When you need a reminder of good things in your life, or of the good things that you bring others.

The Sun Tarot Card Spread

  1. Abundance - What is flourishing in your life right now? What is thriving? Where in your life is there abundance and celebration?
  2. Sunlight - Where can you go to find even more happiness and joy in your life?
  3. Inner Light - What is something you love about yourself? What is your inner light? From where does it come from and how is it usually presented?
  4. Outer Radiance - What do you bring to others? What are you radiating to the world right now? What do others appreciate about you?
  5. Cloudiness - What stands in the way of you being able to appreciate all the good things in your life? What needs some clearing?


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