Tarot Learnings - Thứ 6, 20-Th5-22 09:00

The World Tarot Card Spread - A Tarot Spread for Balance and Wholeness

Explore the World major arcana tarot card with this tarot spread. Since the World is the final card of the Fool's Journey, it represents completion and fulfillment. Use this spread to discover what makes you feel whole, and what gives you a feeling of incompleteness.

Summary of the World Tarot Card Meaning

It was a long, hard road, but the Fool finally reaches the end of their journey. What they are left with is a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that even with its trials and tribulations, the end result is more self-assurance, confidence and acceptance of their own strengths and weaknesses. This newfound feeling of self-acceptance and boundless love extends towards others too; there is no desire to separate themselves from the world, because they knows that they are part of this world too. The Fool finds delight and wonder in the rhythms and motions of the world, dancing alongside it.

Light: Completion, fulfillment, resolution, mastery, accomplishment
Shadow: Lack of closure, incompletion, emptiness

To learn more, read the full World tarot card meaning.

The World Tarot Card Spread

  1. Self Fulfillment - What makes you feel complete, or whole? Or otherwise, what is missing? What do you still need to feel whole?
  2. Taurus: Security - What makes you feel safe? What brings you stability and comfort, so that you can do all other things? Or what makes you feel like you lack stability?
  3. Leo: Pleasure - What things give you pleasure? What are things that you enjoy doing for the sake of doing them? Or what prevents you from experiencing pleasure?
  4. Scorpio: Passion - What make you passionate? Where in your life do you find intensity, urgency and a deep connection to your inner soul? Or what prevents you from feeling passionate?
  5. Aquarius: Altruism - What pushes you to help others? What ignites your humanitarian nature? Or what blocks you from feeling this connection to other beings?


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